Secure JavaScript libraries

1 Posts
gabeyinfo posted this 11 November 2020
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Recent security scan revealed that the site is using outdated JavaScript libraries.

Can you please advice. We are using Nicepage to develop our web site.

Message we got : Remove the JavaScript library or update it with a security patch.

Best Regards
GABEY Web Admin

Hi Recent security scan revealed that the site is using outdated JavaScript libraries. Can you please advice. We are using Nicepage to develop our web site. **Message we got :** Remove the JavaScript library or update it with a security patch. Best Regards GABEY Web Admin
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 12 November 2020


Nicepage uses one of the most popular versions of the jquery library. It is not si simple to update it because Nicepage scripts were created for this specific library. Therefore, the new version will cause problems.
But it should not cause real security problems on your website.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Nicepage uses one of the most popular versions of the jquery library. It is not si simple to update it because Nicepage scripts were created for this specific library. Therefore, the new version will cause problems. But it should not cause real security problems on your website. ................................................... Sincerely, Olivia Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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