Ask a Question Import exported Themes and pages

Hello Nicepage please find the attached loom video and help me with what it is mentioned there Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

22 June 2023

Started 14 May 2023 by CBATEC

Wishlist Request - Leads page

Inadvertently there will be spam when a form is posted online. The Leads page can be more user-friendly with the following Checkbox to select one/multiple records for deletion. Filter records based...
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2023

Started 17 May 2023 by webadmin23

Ask a Question Sound on page

Hello.How I can add sound ( background music on the page) on my web site?
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20 May 2023

Started 20 May 2023 by namik_d

Report a bug Pages published in mobile mode do not appear

Pages published in mobile mode do not appear (mobile)
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06 June 2023

Started 29 May 2023 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question How to sticky a button inside Nice page

How to sticky a button inside Nice page
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01 June 2023

Started 31 May 2023 by dmrohitkharayat

Ask a Question copy/paste a block from one page to another on the same site with joomla ? // copier/coller un block d'une page à une autre sur le même site

Good morning, I use nicepage with the Joomla CMS, and I keep the site online because I don't have access to the theme (the webmaster has disappeared...). I can't copy/paste a block from one page to...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 June 2023

Started 31 May 2023 by direction18

Ask a Question Page Outline Mode - Clarification

I'm trying to figure out how to lock or hide grids, blocks, elements using the Page Outline Mode. There is a vast difference between designing a footer for a large display compared to the vertical...
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Latest By Support Team

14 June 2023

Started 10 June 2023 by GShelemy

Ask a Question Blog page in Menu

Hello I have created my Template on Nicepage App, and imported it in Wordpress. I have created a blog page in WP; Added a few posts. I am not able to add the Blog page in the main Menu because the...
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Latest By Support Team

20 June 2023

Started 11 June 2023 by colmar.eric

Report a bug bug found in composing pages between pc/mobile/laptop

Hello. Hello, when editing HTML pages (text and images) and creating formatting for PC, laptop, mobile, and others, sometimes, upon finishing the formatting, NicePage automatically misaligns the...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

15 June 2023

Started 15 June 2023 by ivobelchior

Ask a Question Lost content on Contacts Page

I lost the content of my Contact Us page which was published 10hours ago. How do I retrieve my Contact Us page that was saved yesterday (say 10 hrs ago)
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18 June 2023

Started 18 June 2023 by EBT

Ask a Question multi-page grid

hello good morning, imagine I have a grid with a lot of news, but I didn't want it on a single page, would it be possible to add the continuation of that same grid automatically to several pages, I...
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Latest By Support Team

19 June 2023

Started 19 June 2023 by carlospinto

Ask a Question Double Index Page

Hello, when exporting to html, the index.html is doubled. As index.html and e.g. startpage.html. Startpage can´t be renamed to Index. So i always have two files, which is confusing and also not so...
5 Replies
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Latest By tympana2

13 January 2024

Started 21 June 2023 by webdesign

Ask a Question Custom Page Types

Is Nicepage available for custom page types when the capability type is set to 'page'? I'm trying to break up my site's many pages into 3 page types, they are set to pages and not posts but Nicepage...
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27 June 2023

Started 27 June 2023 by Leads 2 Trade

Ask a Question Import page to a online builder

I would like to know if it is possible to export a page created offline and then import it into the online builder?
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28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by santiagobozzetti

Wishlist Back to Top button - can it be added to all pages at once?

Hello, I need to add Back to Top button on all my pages. Is there a way to add the button all at once, or do I need to do it one by one? Thanks.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 June 2023

Started 28 June 2023 by anya.brudzinska