Ask a Question how to set a single background image in multiple blocks of a page

how to set a single background image in multiple blocks of a page
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Latest By Support Team

09 August 2023

Started 09 August 2023 by vsingh

Ask a Question Turn off scrolling on a page?

Hi, is there possible to deny scrolling for user on the page?
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11 August 2023

Started 09 August 2023 by

Ask a Question Nice Page Plugin

Hi, Do you allow the purchase of the NicePage plugin for Wordpress only or do i need to purchase the software? I have my own hosting and domains and I don't need your hosting services would I be able...
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10 August 2023

Started 10 August 2023 by davyk92

Ask a Question How to create another header on sub pages

Hello, I want to create a page with different header from the homepage so please instruct me how to do it. Thanks,
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17 August 2023

Started 17 August 2023 by admintca

Ask a Question Site page dont open in First Page

Good morning, I needed some help, please, I developed the website but when we access it, it always loads on the form page and not on the first page of the website....
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27 August 2023

Started 26 August 2023 by kill.resume33

Ask a Question white label Wordpress plugin nice page url

The wp builder is showing a 'contact form leads' link in the settings gear icon. When you click it you are sent to nice page. This is with the white label on. How to remove this?
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28 August 2023

Started 28 August 2023 by genecai

Ask a Question How do I get blog posts designed in Nicepage to open Blog Details in Nicepage? At the moment the Blog posts just open in Generic wordpress details page layout?

I have inserted the blog posts element into a blank block (editing with Nicepage editor). That has worked well. However, I created a page with another blank block and inserted the Post details...
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30 August 2023

Started 30 August 2023 by ian.bradbury

Report a bug Suddenly a page for "BLOG" appears in our menu

We use NicePage for our website. When I updated the software, NicePage added a "BLOG" page to the menu item. We don't have a blog page and I didn't add with. I can erase it by editing the menu, but...
25 Replies
2 Votes

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03 November 2023

Started 05 September 2023 by phillips.rick

Ask a Question iframe impossible to integrate in a web page

It's impossible for me to integrate iframe in a web page i'm trying to ontegrate this iframe code in le little box "code" but nothing apprears in the webpage after publication <div...
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15 September 2023

Started 14 September 2023 by mintaka74

Ask a Question Disable "A user enters the password only one time."

How to make a user enter the protected page password more than once ? if he refreshed the page or exited it , it would ask for the password again
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24 April 2024

Started 17 September 2023 by intouch.co0

Ask a Question How do I stop nicepage from exporting the thank you page?

When I export a website to HTML, it exports the thank you page template for some reason. Of course I can just delete it but it's annoying. It only happens with one website.
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31 July 2024

Started 18 September 2023 by planet

Ask a Question Store page won't delete

Hi, 'Store' keeps appearing on my menu bar even after it's deleted. I don't have any pages called 'store'. Please advise
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01 July 2024

Started 21 September 2023 by fyr

Ask a Question Pricing Inquiry for One-Time Landing Page Project

Hello, I am reaching out to inquire about your pricing structure for one-time projects. Specifically, I'd like to know the cost of creating a single business landing page using Niecpage....
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27 September 2023

Started 27 September 2023 by emilija.stojanova

Ask a Question export to any web page to anywhere

I'm a designer and I have different clients. They all have their own web sites under different servers that they manage. They only want me to do certain web page designs. Is it possible to move a web...
8 Replies
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Latest By cgambinokid

23 October 2023

Started 01 October 2023 by cgambinokid

Wishlist New Nice Page ecommerce component

Dear Support team, thank you for implementing ecommerce feature now for direct websites. As I noticed, the "add to cart" button only works for the product liste page template. Can you please...
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01 October 2023

Started 01 October 2023 by benjamin.friedrich