Ask a Question How to copy paste or duplicate Pages

Hello, I have Two question.. How can i duplicate pages (copy paste) i have created with nicepage 2.How can i put icons i my submenus or menus Thank you in advance Milot
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23 February 2023

Started 23 February 2023 by Kameleoni

Ask a Question Blog Post Page Laguage Selection (HTML Export)

It's about Blog Post Page Laguage Selection (HTML Export) The main page and sub pages shows the language selection button on the top. This is not the case for blog pages! How to activate the...
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27 February 2023

Started 25 February 2023 by inthanet

Ask a Question thank you page redirection from contact from

thank you page redirection from contact from when hit on submit button from the form field
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06 March 2023

Started 06 March 2023 by sales540

Ask a Question Download created web page

Hello, I installed nicepage. I created page and want to download and upload on my hosting. Is it possible and free?
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06 March 2023

Started 06 March 2023 by visual.slovakia

Ask a Question Using workflow step where you can click and then jump to page

I would like to do something like Camtasia have done for their support video library. link below I want to allow users to click on a dot in the timeline and have the page autoscroll to the block on...
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14 March 2023

Started 09 March 2023 by chris10562

Ask a Question Deleted the created page

Hello! I went to the site to edit the page and it was there. But I decided to download the program to my computer. After opening the program, she offered to go through training, a test page was...
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13 March 2023

Started 12 March 2023 by serghiiserbin

Ask a Question Home page (home.html) / index.html

I am creating a website with an HTML export, but I have one index.html and one home.html. It is very disastrous for me to have two same pages, I want to have just one index.html, not an extra...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

12 March 2023

Started 12 March 2023 by yahyasungu

Ask a Question using "Code" for iFrame Not Allowing Changes for Responsive Pages

Hi, I am trying to use an iFrame to put a link to my own PDF into and I know how to create those, but when I want to change the dimensions for various sizes (responsive), I do not have the option to...
2 Replies
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Latest By dlayfie

14 March 2023

Started 14 March 2023 by dlayfie

Wishlist Nicepage 5.7: March 17, 2023 - Page Designs In Add Panel

Dear Users and Followers! We are happy to present the release of the new Nicepage 5.7 update. What's New In This Update? Video Lesson: Grid Element Page Designs In Add Panel Search In Page...
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5 Votes

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17 March 2023

Started 17 March 2023 by Support Team

Ask a Question Canonical page issue Google Search Console!

I received a notification from Google Search Console : "Page is not indexed: Duplicate without user-selected canonical." Could you please help me with this issue?
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20 March 2023

Started 19 March 2023 by niall.magner

Ask a Question Request for Assistance with Exporting a Landing Page on Starter Plan

Dear Customer Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out for assistance with exporting a landing page I created using your tool. I started working on this landing page on...
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28 March 2023

Started 28 March 2023 by id.jara10

Ask a Question long page, jump to block

I have a long page. One of the blocks is very attractive. I want to show it to my friends. Could I create a URL so that I can share the link to them? If they click the URL, they'll see that block...
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31 March 2023

Started 29 March 2023 by wskdavid

Ask a Question Questions about CSS and class id to modify home page menu only

Because I'm using the header over block feature on the home page, I need to menu colors (active, hover, default) to be different from the other pages. I know that this will involve using the CSS...
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29 March 2023

Started 29 March 2023 by pchs19822

Ask a Question Breadcrumb for pages

Dear all, I can see that the breadcrumb option for Wordpress is functional on articles and blog pages. Therefore I can't get it on my normal pages. Then, I have tried to insert between my header and...
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30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by polperonnet

Ask a Question Nice page with Wordpress

I was wondering, can I capture Facebook posts and post them to my nicepage wordpress page? I would like to capture Facebook info and display on Wordpress?
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30 March 2023

Started 30 March 2023 by Dr Rick Williams