Deleted the created page

3 Posts
serghiiserbin posted this 12 March 2023
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Hello! I went to the site to edit the page and it was there. But I decided to download the program to my computer. After opening the program, she offered to go through training, a test page was created and my page disappeared. It's not in the remote ones. How can I restore my page?

Hello! I went to the site to edit the page and it was there. But I decided to download the program to my computer. After opening the program, she offered to go through training, a test page was created and my page disappeared. It's not in the remote ones. How can I restore my page?
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4 Replies
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2769 Posts
MerlinAZ posted this 12 March 2023

The online web app and desktop app are not synced.
You would need to export the Project file from online and import into the desktop app to continue working on it there.

The online web app and desktop app are not synced. You would need to export the Project file from online and import into the desktop app to continue working on it there.
3 Posts
serghiiserbin posted this 12 March 2023

This page is not on the site. And there is no way to recover. What to do?

This page is not on the site. And there is no way to recover. What to do?
3 Posts
serghiiserbin posted this 12 March 2023

The online web app and desktop app are not synced.
You would need to export the Project file from online and import into the desktop app to continue working on it there.

This page is not on the site. And there is no way to recover. What to do?

> The online web app and desktop app are not synced. > You would need to export the Project file from online and import into the desktop app to continue working on it there. This page is not on the site. And there is no way to recover. What to do?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 13 March 2023


Alan R.
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