Ask a Question accolades

I would like to thank the development team for releasing regular monthly NEW FEATURES... One of your competitors (that goes by the initials TT) releases an annual new version, then spends a full year...
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2020

Started 28 July 2020 by sigma

Ask a Question Search translation in Wordpress

I have a problem translating the search string from a Nicepage theme in Wordpress. Can anyone be of assistance
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 August 2020

Started 30 July 2020 by kontakt73

Ask a Question How to create a file structure for uploaded PDF files?

Hi, Nicepage Team. Wish you a good day. Is it posible to create a "file structure" with specific folders for specific files that need to be organized by company deparment before uploading them and...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By LGALLP

31 July 2020

Started 30 July 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Can I restore deleted website ?

Can I restore deleted website ?
7 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

5 weeks ago

Started 31 July 2020 by daonhatminh72

Ask a Question Можно ли на владках табов, добавить иконки

Добрый день. Можно ли как то к владкам табов добавить иконки? Вот так:
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Natashaunlaf

04 August 2020

Started 01 August 2020 by rufyf

Ask a Question hyperlinks become buttons and shift left justified

When I highlight text in a text box and click hyperlink and then put in the link I desire and close and save, the link becomes a button and even though it is centered in the editor, when viewing the...
11 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 March 2021

Started 01 August 2020 by Soundwks

Ask a Question How to fix loading page error

I understand that this is caused by deleted page or changed name or something but how i can fix it,
5 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

09 September 2020

Started 02 August 2020 by

Report a bug Unable to import a project

I've exported my current project in nicepage and delete the site accidentally. Whenever I try to reopen the software it creates a blank website making it impossible to import a project to people that...
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Latest By Support Team

04 August 2020

Started 03 August 2020 by nedasstockus

Ask a Question How to ungroup elements?

I want to use rectangle shape as background in part of my page, but all elements are automatically grouped with that shape. How to use it just as background element and not as group? Also, how to...
7 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By geopehlivanov

26 August 2020

Started 03 August 2020 by geopehlivanov

Ask a Question How can I lock grids and cells?

I'm having problems with grids, cells etc. moving around when you're editing other parts of the page. I constantly have to go back and fix blocks that resized and moved. Is there a way to "lock"...
9 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By christiaanbekkerartist

07 August 2020

Started 04 August 2020 by christiaanbekkerartist

Ask a Question Favorites

Hi, Is there a way to save a block as a favorite? Or maybe a keyword search a block name or id? It would greatly help, instead of scrolling through hundreds of blocks every time. Thanks! Paolo
5 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

06 August 2020

Started 05 August 2020 by psocreative

Ask a Question Lost desktop site

lost my site after windows crash, I have the site ID can I use that to recover the site to my desktop had a windows crash and seem to have lost my site from the desktop Nicepage,
2 Replies
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Latest By laverydj

06 August 2020

Started 05 August 2020 by laverydj

Ask a Question Can't save page or publish

Hi. At the moment, I can no longer save or publish a page that I'm editing but only preview it. Nor can I go to My Sites from the page that's being edited, though I can't leave the page without losing...
39 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 August 2021

Started 06 August 2020 by unclealex2k

Wishlist Päivitykset

What does upgrades cost after one year?
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Latest By Support Team

07 August 2020

Started 06 August 2020 by jounin.postia

Ask a Question How can I make a back-up?

How can I make a local back-up?
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 August 2020

Started 09 August 2020 by lauraderijk