Ask a Question Site Settings

Where do I find my site settings for "" I want to point it to "" till I finish building my Website. Help Dianna Emerson
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Latest By Support Team

29 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by dianna2

Ask a Question Can I disable the responsive layouts?

I only need the desktop layout as the sites I'm making are straightforward and will look fine across all screen resolutions. Is it possible to disable the different layouts for the other screen...
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Latest By Support Team

29 September 2021

Started 27 September 2021 by Leonidas

Ask a Question Abilities in the Builder

Why does the animations I set keep playing every time I pass the section with the animations? How can I have them just play once? Am I able to have a slider for events? I already have a slider for...
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29 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by ezronbrooks2

Ask a Question 404 Seite nicht gefunden

Hallo, Wie kann ich bei Fehler die "Not Found Seite 404" Seite aufrufen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe Reza Habibi
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29 September 2021

Started 29 September 2021 by RezaHabibi

Wishlist Сайт в старых браузерах

Добрый день, когда открываю сайт, созданный в nicepage, в старых браузерах, например в Internet Explorer 11, дабы проверить как он работает, то вижу сайт выглядит "не корректно". Понимаю, что надо...
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by Виктор

Ask a Question JOOMLA 4

Hello, on a joomla 4 site it is not possible to install the nicepage plugins ! Can you tell me how to install Nicepage on joomla 4 ? Thank you
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2021

Started 23 September 2021 by claude.delesse

Ask a Question template installed failes on Joomla 4

I created a template set on the desktop and exported to zip file - the template install worked but when i followed the instructions to install the component, i got the following error message,...
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28 September 2021

Started 23 September 2021 by Roger RIV

Ask a Question B2B

We are a Business to Business seller, and we are looking for a webstore that would allow product minimums, and tiered pricing depending on quantities ordered. Is this possible with Nicepage?
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28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by james645

Wishlist Add the element (Search) to the wish list, to insert in the sliders and image blocks, or any block. Thanks.

Best regards. It is necessary and essential, that they add the following element, in the wish list of the Nicepage: SEARCH ELEMENT (See attached image) Nicepage desktop, has a search element, but...
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by etorres

Wishlist Add the items (Language translator and font size + -) to the wish list. Thanks.

Best regard. It is necessary and essential, that they add the following elements, in the wish list of the Nicepage: 1. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (See attached image) 2. FONT SIZE, increase or decrease...
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By etorres

28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by etorres

Ask a Question PHP Code Block at the Beginning of a Page

Hello, is there a way to insert a PHP block at the beginning of a page - i.e. before <! DOCTYPE html>? Thank you very much for your support ... AND: Congratulations on your great tool - I'm...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by seosem

Ask a Question Desktop Version Error

Hi, The archive template elements (posts images , content etc) are not accessible on my desktop version of webpage It keeps showing im already using desktio version. Kindly address my issue
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Latest By huzaifa Tariq

28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by huzaifa Tariq

Ask a Question how to add language switcher to header correctly?

how to add language switcher to header correctly? It is not very complicated to add this feature pls add in new version
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28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by malkovych

Ask a Question Inatall Error on todays update

Using joomla 4 and installing todays version I get the following error: My name is Mark, and we are speaking about the problems you are having with an install for I find this error...
10 Replies
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28 September 2021

Started 22 September 2021 by carlfarring

Wishlist suggestion

when drag eg. 20 images into a gallery component ask : "remove all old ones" ? as the "basic gray sample" remains and need to be removed 1x1 also, it allows to copy between pages and change content
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28 September 2021

Started 28 September 2021 by nerviroberto