Ask a Question Can I to download html code if I don't have a paid plan?

Can I download HTML code if I don't have a paid plan? I saw on the Pricing Plans page that I could, but when I try to export my project in HTML code, asks me to get a premium plan. Why?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

06 May 2024

Started 06 May 2024 by ioan.circiu10

Ask a Question Black box at the end of a video

A video ends with a black box. How do I get the beginning frame of the video to be shown again (preferably with the arrow to start). I don't want it to repeat in a loop and with the poster function...
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2024

Started 06 May 2024 by wilhei55

Ask a Question Edit Content of WP Pages

I want to edit the content of WP pages from nicepage editor plugin in the WP dashboard. But I cannot see it. Is there a way?
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06 May 2024

Started 19 April 2024 by tqanahteam

Ask a Question lecture seul

Je ne peux plus sauvegarder car il me dit que c'est impossible en lecture seul. Hors, je n'ai jamais voulu activer cela et je ne trouve pas comment l'enlever.
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2024

Started 06 May 2024 by Lefrere Enola

Ask a Question Demo

I am using the demo version of Nicepage Joomla when I want to view the website on Joomla it does not work, is that because I am using the demo version?
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2024

Started 06 May 2024 by jflueckiger

Report a bug NicePage not Saving !

Hi, I'm surprised this morning. All the modification works has been canceled due to a bug of not saving my work. Even if CTRL+S key was hit : Saved message appeared but : still not save. Help !
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06 May 2024

Started 06 May 2024 by lessurefficients

Ask a Question Cant insert image in post page template.

Hi. I use desktop Nicepage and I am trying to insert images to post page temple but it doesnt do that. I am frustrated. Please help.
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2024

Started 04 May 2024 by vaivhav

Ask a Question reCaptcha not working in editor - have created account and added keys

I have followed the instructions to create a reCAPTCHA account on Google and have entered the two keys into nicepage. I waited 48 hours and then tried to add reCAPTCHA to my form, however, whenever I...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2024

Started 05 May 2024 by huge_choosy.0v

Ask a Question Language Lost

Do I have a visit by a hacke? - I lost m,y German Language Interface ... Please solve this problem
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2024

Started 05 May 2024 by robertZ121

Ask a Question Nicepage App is blank

Hi I am puzzled about why the nicepage app which had my website design on it is blank when I opened it. I have used a different website builder before which did not require an app and never had this...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2024

Started 05 May 2024 by annabel59

Ask a Question Request for Unminified Version of nicepage.js

Dear Nicepage Support Team, I am a subscriber of Nicepage and currently developing a WordPress theme using the Nicepage HTML editor. I've noticed that the embedded nicepage.js script on the sample...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2024

Started 05 May 2024 by DrSeo

Ask a Question Website not showing up correctly

I have had this website posted for a little over a year. I noticed in the last month the website has changed. When I type in the domain, the first page that shows up is a blog page. I have no idea...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2024

Started 17 June 2021 by melissa67

Ask a Question Linie

Hallo woi werden diese Linien in einem Block definiert, wo kann ich diese anpassen? Siehe printscrenn Lieber Gruss Daniel
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2024

Started 05 May 2024 by oneITS

Ask a Question does nicepage host my domain

I have my own domain. If I get a nicepage account and switch the domain to nicepage, do you include the domain fee in my costs? Or, do I need to maintain my domain name separately?
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Latest By coachstopfarm

05 May 2024

Started 04 May 2024 by coachstopfarm

Report a bug What should I do if I have problems with HTML export?

Hi, I have problems exporting one of my projects to HTML. What might be the cause?
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Latest By Support Team

04 May 2024

Started 01 May 2024 by Brical Technologies