Ask a Question Export html site

Hello, I would like to export my website to my server. What should I do if FTP is not being recognized?
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02 May 2024

Started 29 April 2024 by zenner4

Ask a Question Регистрация

Здравствуйте! Такой вопрос, есть ли в вашей программе функция, что-то на подобии "добавить регистрационное поле", так как в шапке в разделе добавить есть Логин пользователя, а как его получить не...
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02 May 2024

Started 01 May 2024 by delaydobrobrat

Ask a Question Unhide element that is hidden in all views

I accidentally hid an element in a grid, in all views, by using the 'Hide on Devices' tab. So how do I unhide it now, when I can't see it ?
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01 May 2024

Started 01 May 2024 by eodtradingsignals

Ask a Question Page Title vs. URL

Hi, OK the Page Title automatically makes up the URL for the Page in Nicepage, but what if you want a different URL than the Page Title? Is that possible? I don't see that option.
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01 May 2024

Started 01 May 2024 by Care Resources

Report a bug NP does not launch anymore

Dear Support Team, I am having trouble to fire up Nicepage. My macOS is 14.4.1 (23E224) on an iMac 27'' from 2019, NicePage version is 6.6.3. What can I do? Please help! Kind Regards, Ralf
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Latest By MerlinAZ

01 May 2024

Started 01 May 2024 by koenner

Ask a Question apply changes on one page to all pages

Hi I have updated one of my product pages. I would like to apply the changes to all pages with the same product grid. I have added 2 chat buttons but they are only on the one page
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01 May 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by ferreiral772

Ask a Question Same site, different languages, different top menues

Hello out there, I want to built a site with different top menues for each language, so that every menue link is translatet into the specific language, if I press the flag icon of the language. With...
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01 May 2024

Started 03 November 2022 by elektroknecht4

Wishlist Carousel Feature

Can we please have a carousel similar to the one shown in the website below? And maybe have a toggle that enables snapping the container to right or left when you scroll. Currently, the gallery...
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01 May 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by onyineo72

Ask a Question Iframes Dimenssion

Good afternoon Could you tell me if there is any way that an IFRAME Html can have different dimensions in the desktop and mobile versions. Does it always have to be the same size? The attached video...
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30 April 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by pedrojoel68

Wishlist Add possibility to replace images in gallery

Hi, it would be cool to change an uploaded image in gallery for a project This would allow uploading an optimized version of the image for example without changing all links / embedded...
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2 Votes

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30 April 2024

Started 16 March 2024 by info44392

Ask a Question Blog, articoli che non si vedono

Buongiorno, sto creando il sito Ho inserito 6 articoli per il blog usando wordpress ma me ne fa vedere solo 4. Se accedo con nicepage scorrono tutti e sei. Se invece...
7 Replies
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30 April 2024

Started 26 April 2024 by pieronuciari

Ask a Question Easiest to use

Hello I have two websites that I will need to update ( , ). I am a designer and I work on a Mac and I really don't care to do web design I...
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30 April 2024

Started 29 April 2024 by sthompson

Ask a Question forms not working

Dear Team Nicepage The form on is not working. We added the send form with php option. But it is showing error Kindly resolve the issue of sending mail with regards Labhesh Support
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30 April 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by labheshinteractive

Ask a Question ASLAN Corporate Solutions -

Our address is that is linked to the one above, but the link no longer works: How can I solve this? Thank you. Regards.
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30 April 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by ASLAN CORPORATE SOLUTIONS

Ask a Question Statistics site

Good morning, I don't understand why the site statistics function doesn't work. Thank you
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30 April 2024

Started 29 April 2024 by lemiepromo