Ask a Question Form Phone Format

Hallo liebes Nicepageteam, ich habe ein Problem mit den Formularen, im Speziellen bei der Formatierung des Telefon-Feldes. Man hat hier die Möglichkeit verschiedene Formate auszuwählen (123456 oder...
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06 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by TypoMedia

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Latest By MerlinAZ

05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by juneswatzell

Ask a Question GDPR Option to make it slimmer

How can we make the GDPR Option to make it slimmer?
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05 July 2022

Started 13 January 2021 by ligatech

Ask a Question contact form side panel

Hello I would like to add a floating button on a page in right bottom and when user clicks on it I want to show a side panel on the right with a form and a submit button. Is there a way to do it in...
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by

Ask a Question Website Data Missing

Hi, I downloaded Nicepaage Desktop and Created My Website Now I Changed My Windows (Operating System ) and Downloaded The APP again Now I Can't Find The Old Website To...
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05 July 2022

Started 03 July 2022 by mahmoud199000

Ask a Question How do I turn the background color of the footer transparant while still showing an image in it?

I would like to have a wavy image in the footer that does not cover the footer completely. When I do this the background color remains visible. I would like it to only show the image without the white...
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Latest By gemaas

05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by gemaas

Ask a Question Sito Web non visibile

Buongiorno, scrivo dal Gruppo Wedoot in merito ad un problema che ho riscontrato. Dopo aver effettuato l'accesso, tramite credenziali, il sito (626antincendi) risulta vuoto... Si potrebbe in qualche...
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by Gruppo Wedoot

Ask a Question Accordeon Symbol

Hallo. Wir möchten gerne im Akkordeon das Symbol (ein Pfeil nach rechts) beim Öffnen ändern (in einen Pfeil nach unten) Gibt es das, und wenn nein wäre es bitte möglich dies mit aufzunehmen? Denn...
3 Replies
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by dh756

Ask a Question Adaptive iframe for virtual tour

I am trying to embed some 360 virtual tours I created to my website They look great on my desktop, but a horrible mess on a phone. I have read through other posts and replies in...
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05 July 2022

Started 04 July 2022 by mail8412

Ask a Question Como quitar de la página: WordPress Theme created with WordPress Page Builder.

Hola, no soy capaz de quitar que la página está hecha con WordPress. Podéis ayudarme?
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by felicitasestudio

Ask a Question Potential Membership

Hi, I am interested to your tool because I need to create a website as soon as possible. I need to know: Do the plans include hosting from you, or do I need to provide the host? What is the price...
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by mary1246

Ask a Question How to make the side block move from the very top of the site to the end?

How to make the side block move from the very top of the site to the end?
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by

Ask a Question Títulos das Páginas com acento

Hello, I need to create pages where it contains accents.... as Change (contains) (ç) and (ã) when I publish the page I don't want the link to go with an accent that goes like this "alteracao.html"...
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05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by lincolngileade

Wishlist front/back

Hi When I enter multiple container overlapping, to set photos overlapping, I cannot change wich one stay in front, usually the last (I believe) But if I have more, (3 or 4 e.g.) I cannot choose the...
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05 July 2022

Started 06 April 2020 by pigatto2

Ask a Question Custom Domain

Hi, I bought a custom domain name from Godaddy, and I followed the instructions to setup a custom domain name to the nicepage builder. However when I click the link it points to a ''403'' Forbidden...
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05 July 2022

Started 04 July 2022 by woodentheband