Títulos das Páginas com acento

1 Posts
lincolngileade posted this 05 July 2022
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Hello, I need to create pages where it contains accents.... as
Change (contains) (ç) and (ã)

when I publish the page I don't want the link to go with an accent that goes like this "alteracao.html" without an accent
and I'm not able.... to do that.

Olá, preciso criar páginas onde a mesma contém acentos.... como
Alteração ( contém) (ç) e (ã)

quando publico a página não quero que o link vá com acento que vá assim "alteracao.html" sem acento
e não estou conseguindo.... fazer isso.

Hello, I need to create pages where it contains accents.... as Change (contains) (ç) and (ã) when I publish the page I don't want the link to go with an accent that goes like this "alteracao.html" without an accent and I'm not able.... to do that. ------------------------- Olá, preciso criar páginas onde a mesma contém acentos.... como Alteração ( contém) (ç) e (ã) quando publico a página não quero que o link vá com acento que vá assim "alteracao.html" sem acento e não estou conseguindo.... fazer isso.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 05 July 2022


Thank you for your interest in Nicepage.
You need to rename the pages as you need. There shouldn't be any issues with publishing accent if the site language is the same, for example:



Let us know your result.
Anna T
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, Thank you for your interest in Nicepage. You need to rename the pages as you need. There shouldn't be any issues with publishing accent if the site language is the same, for example: !rename.png! !special-characters.png! Let us know your result. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna T Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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