Ask a Question Hola quiero saber como madificar el precio y la descripcion del producto

Buenos dias estimados, el presente es para solicitar información sobre los paso a seguir para modificar el precio del producto y la descripción del mismo en la plantillas de productos, en la caja...
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by SUPLIDORES BIO-TEC, C.A.

Ask a Question Cookies Popup

I would like to add a cookie popup onto my homepage only and not on every webpage as this will really frustrate web users. Surly you need to develop this on Nicepage as it is frequently asked??
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2022

Started 21 March 2022 by dhepplestone

Abuse free features gated behind premium

Dear sir, i have followed nice page development for a long time. ive decided to try it out again today. On your premium plans page...
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by ahmaddiaa1603

Ask a Question Publishing

Hello, if I use the free nicepage web builder can I still export, publish and host the Html it helped me build?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by brandondargatz

Ask a Question Mail to

Hello I see the form email is the email of your account.But if I need to give another email address ??? How do I do it?? I think shold be able to give the email you want to give. Waiting for the new...
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Latest By Support Team

26 July 2018

Started 26 July 2018 by Lookolens

Ask a Question Contact form multi language options

Hi Guys, Would like to know is it possible to add a option using contact form 7, so that the client can pick a language they prefer. If not, is it possible to maybe do it trough a plugin?
8 Replies
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Latest By Greg Latyshev

08 December 2022

Started 16 January 2019 by WEB ARTIST

Ask a Question Problem with menu and sub-pages

Hi. I'm trying to create a sub-page, but as soon as I do so, the main page in the menu isn't clickable anymore. Nor the sub-page. So, if i do 1 2 3 4 in the menu, every page is clickable. If I do 1 2...
13 Replies
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Latest By wjt

08 December 2022

Started 01 November 2020 by peter.noblesse

Ask a Question I purchased a License but I'm not able to build another online builder site

HI, I recently purchased a license but it will not allow me to build more than one online builder site. I purchased the business license which says I am able to build 50 sites. Please advise.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by jenny1552

Ask a Question I logged in today

I logged in today and all my website data is gone. I have it saved in a folder on my PC but when I try to import it your site wont let me. I have written to support about this already and did not a...
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by joshua3579ma

Ask a Question How to retreive email address and sent email with PDF to email adress entered in the contact form.

How can I retreive the visitors email adress and directly email a PDF to the visitor when he submits on my contact form
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by a.pullens

Report a bug Preview not start

Hi, If I press preview (Chrome or Forefox) nothing happens. It seems to be created the export however the page did not loaded in browser. Even the browser has not been opened. Please check it. I use...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by andrewatya

Ask a Question How many pages can Nicepage hold?

Hello, How many pages can be added i Nicepage in desktop layout/editing and then transported to WordPress? I know that it can be difficult the upload if the WP package is too "heavy" but pages in...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by jf8

Ask a Question Premium Plan

Do I need to pay every year to continue to use the nicepage template, or is the support just not available after the year?
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08 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by gregorygennitti

Ask a Question No Updates

I think since I renewed I stopped getting updates. I used to get them I have V 5.0.7 Please let me know if this is the latest Thank you
6 Replies
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Latest By minnellif

08 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by Stan Makrinos

Ask a Question robots.txt

Hello, please i want to know how to add the robots.text file to my website thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by berrouas