Ask a Question Add new page

Dear Nicepage Team i would like to know can i Export only i page or i have to export all the pages from the beginning? Example if i created new page in my project how i can export that page alone to...
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by hameed_hashemi2001

Ask a Question about ecommerce multi vendor

is it possible to create multi-vendor e-commerce? where other users can create their own shop? for example websites like shopee or amazon
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07 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by monliakarni

Ask a Question Interaction

Hello If and when you plan to introduce interactions similar to Webflow. Greetings Radek
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07 December 2022

Started 08 June 2020 by radek108

Ask a Question unable to export to wordpress

I am unable to export to wordpress the only export available is HTML. How do I export to wordpress?
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07 December 2022

Started 31 March 2021 by secva

Wishlist time blocks

what about the possibility to have a single block in a page following same joomla's capabilioty "start publshed from date " "end publishing to date" ?
4 Replies
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Latest By nerviroberto

07 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by nerviroberto

Ask a Question List Button

Hello when I'm trying to add a list button to have a dropdown menu for different pages, I just find one place for one page.
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by goldenfacce12

Ask a Question Google Maps Background & DSGVO

How can I embed the Google Maps block so that it is not loaded until the cookie popup confirms loading? Static HTML website.
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

07 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by daniel.weihmann

Ask a Question link on image not working !

When I add a link on image, the link not working why?
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Latest By erikdenice

07 December 2022

Started 07 December 2022 by erikdenice

Ask a Question Chance to use AJAX in Forms?

Hello Nicepage team, is there a way to create a form that will display other options to fill-in, only if the previously configured value is selected? eg.: Question Where do you live? options to...
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by michal84

Ask a Question warning: security issue of a published website

Hi. I have just published my website but when I tried to open it using firefox, a security warning page showed saying it is not safe to browse it. How to resolve it? I have attached a screenshot of...
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07 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by a.odats

Ask a Question https

set up https protocol in my site
2 Replies
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Latest By berrouas

07 December 2022

Started 03 December 2022 by berrouas

Ask a Question why do i have to purchase premium licence to have more than 5 pages

Hi. Supporting Team, Why can I have no more than 5 pages for my site in the WP Nicepage Plugin? Do you have the least quality controls of what you are selling? Correct it for god sake. Alex Zhu
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by Alex Zhu

Ask a Question hosting

Hola, quisiera comprar el plan personal. Cuantos hosting tiene ese plan? puedo hacer hasta 5 paginas cierto?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by Codahue Spa

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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2022

Started 06 December 2022 by Alex Zhu

Report a bug Error in single image product template woocommerce

Hi, there is an error in woocommerce/template-parts/content-single-product.php "if ($product_image) echo '<div class style><div class>' . $product_image ....
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Latest By Support Team

06 December 2022

Started 07 November 2022 by deevando