Ask a Question language selection in HTML block

How do I change the inclusion of a piece of Javascript based on language. Actually, it not even a change of the js, but just a piece of the link I need to change based on language: it is only the...
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15 December 2022

Started 27 November 2022 by odibio

Ask a Question put header in a cell

with themler if i want i can put the header in a column so to have it in half of my site with nicepage can i do the same ? Can i put the header in cell so to have it in 1/3 of my site ?
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15 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by athanaso

Ask a Question how to change "read more" and links

Hi I have three questions regarding posts: (1) How to change the words "read more" in posts? Since I am building a website in thehe Simplified Chinese,l need to change their language. (2) After I...
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15 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by

Ask a Question make sticky a joomla module

I want to make a joomla module sticky on scroll in left side . Is there any way to make it happen with nicepage ?
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15 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by athanaso

Ask a Question how to reomve Nicepage ads

Hi I have a premium license that supposes to allow my website to run without Nicepage Ads. However the ads is still showing at the bottom of my website. Whould you please tell me how to reomve...
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14 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by

Ask a Question Joomla 4

Is Nicepage now compatible with Joomla 4?
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14 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by bwalo

Ask a Question pagine

buongiorno ho comprato la bersione personal quasi 100 euro. ho creato um home page per prova e poi ho inserito una nuova pagina ma tutto quello che scrivo in una pagina me lo ritrovo automaticamwnte...
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14 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by tetafuturo

Ask a Question I want to downgraden

I want to downgrade to version 4.18 .5 but it is not listed when I go to your site now. I can only downgrade to 4.19.3 now but I don't have a license for that. And we paid for life time license. and...
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14 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by m.noordhuis2

Ask a Question Image and Languaje

Hello, I have two questions and I can't find the way to do it. 1 - How do I change the image of the logo according to the language? That is, in Spanish it is one logo and in English it is another. 2...
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14 December 2022

Started 08 December 2022 by jcsomac

Ask a Question Solicitud de información

Buenas tardes estimados, el presente es para solicitar información sobre como una ves activa la pagina puedo actualizar los datos publicados, debo desconectar primero? o hay una opción para...
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14 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by SUPLIDORES BIO-TEC, C.A.

Ask a Question Backend login setup

I wanted to see if you have a plan to bring in more JS or other stuff to build even the back end from Nice Pages. I know this would be not the easiest to build but I think this will make a lot more...
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14 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by johnathan20

Ask a Question File list for downloading

Hello, I would like to publish a page with a list of files to download; using Wordpress. I would also like to be able to upload, edit and delete list items from the front end. Does Nicepage have...
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14 December 2022

Started 12 December 2022 by samaden.paolo2

Ask a Question page name and url

Is it possible to have the URL of a page a different name than the "page" name? Like "Pictures and Videos" as the name and with "pictures-and-videos-page" as the URL?
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14 December 2022

Started 14 December 2022 by jim9552

Ask a Question Exported HTML CSS rendering bad

HTML/CSS export does not seem to work. I'm designing and previewing my sites in the Nicepage browser version. Everything looks great but when I export to HTML it looks terrible. It appears the css...
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14 December 2022

Started 13 December 2022 by Sears SDLC

Ask a Question Turning off auto-excerpt

I've seen various questions about showing full posts instead of excerpts where the suggestion is to turn off the auto-excerpt setting on the theme, using WordPress as the CMS. However, this does not...
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13 December 2022

Started 12 December 2022 by christian.koboldt