Ask a Question Duplicate page in WordPress

I have create my website in WordPress with nicepage, now I have need to duplicate some page (for change a language), where is a option?
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2020

Started 10 December 2020 by marcello.lodi78

Ask a Question wordpress plugin not importing/creating page

wordpress plugin not importing/creating page its loading forever thanks
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Latest By Support Team

13 May 2021

Started 11 December 2020 by gilad.leef

Ask a Question I cannot start Nice Page after downloading and installing software

I cannot start Nice Page after downloading and installing software. I purchased the new version and downloaded the installation file, installed the program and it does not run. It gives me an...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 January 2021

Started 15 December 2020 by fairfax2

Ask a Question How to connect php pages to menù builder?

Hi, it seems that in menu builder I cannot link menù chice with php pages (see atteched image) How can I do?
8 Replies
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Latest By amministrazione

19 December 2020

Started 16 December 2020 by amministrazione

Wishlist Nicepage 3.2: December 18, 2020 - 6000+ Block and Page Designs. Off-Canvas Submenu Improvements

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are delighted to present the new update of Nicepage 3.2. What's New in This Update? Off-Canvas Submenu With Reloading Rich Text: Image Wrapping Changes Rich...
4 Replies
5 Votes

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22 December 2020

Started 18 December 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Different pages, same edit

Good day and Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas Please tell me why in my WordPress dashboard why editing on one page also appears on a a different page. Attached is screen shots of what I am asking in a...
4 Replies
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Latest By eldoradomedia

19 December 2020

Started 19 December 2020 by esr2016

Ask a Question Trying to open page: "An Error Occurred. Reload Nicepage"

I've turned off my MAC Computer and still the same message. Other pages work buy not the main page. Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

21 December 2020

Started 20 December 2020 by ryansings

Ask a Question adding audio to background of pages

AI voice overs are becoming very popular and I was wondering if there is a way to add a AI voiceover to the background of a page or if there is a small or invisible audio play I can use
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Latest By Support Team

21 December 2020

Started 20 December 2020 by tom7

Report a bug Error Loading Page after updated to version 3.2.3

After updated to version 3.2.3, I'm not able edit one of my page, it just keeps on popping up "An error occurred. Reload Nicepage" Before update everything works just fine. Please help.
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15 September 2022

Started 21 December 2020 by cmlou

Ask a Question Last Saved/published page does not update in the Wordpress page.

Hi, Last Saved/published page does not update in the final Wordpress page. The save behaviour is very erratic. I regularly can't see the modified/saved results in the final page in the Wordpress...
10 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Marie.K

15 January 2021

Started 21 December 2020 by eric.lemarechal

Ask a Question Regularly can't see the modified/saved results in the final page

Hi, (below message previously sent 2 days ago without any acknowledgement or trace in History) Your solution is quite amazing for certain complex layout features, but for some of the basics it can...
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Latest By Support Team

22 December 2020

Started 21 December 2020 by eric.lemarechal

Ask a Question Post page doesn´t get or apply the main option from NP settings

Hi, NP Team. Wish you´re having a great Christmas season with your families. The NP settings, like: NP header and footer, Theme header and footer, and Theme template wich are the main settings (I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 December 2020

Started 28 December 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Editing existing WP pages with Nicepage

I've been viewing the tutorials. I saw a video with Oleg narrating that shows the process of opening an existing wp page and converting it to a Nicepage page. Alas, I didn't take notes and now I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 December 2020

Started 28 December 2020 by johngeary

Ask a Question product page

bonjour je souhaite faire un boutique en ligne. comment vous incorporez les produits dans la page ? j'ai utilisé un bloc dans ma page "product" mais je ne peut pas modifié le titre et la page.
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 December 2020

Started 28 December 2020 by frederic.grateau

Ask a Question Nice page to be used on a local host

Hi, I installed Nice Page on a local host site (under wamp server) for testing new themes and pages. Cannot load Nicepage even when logged in into my account Get an error message asking me to reload...
12 Replies
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17 January 2021

Started 30 December 2020 by Piluche