Ask a Question exporting joomla to cpanel

how do i export my finished website to joomla in cpanel (godaddy)? i am on the free version.
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Latest By Support Team

09 January 2023

Started 04 January 2023 by trennapennington


Io se faccio click su prodotti... appare questa schermata (allegata) con il profilo PRO dovrei avere accesso all'utilizzo delle funzionalità di prodotto PERCHE' NON RIESCO
4 Replies
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Latest By megaphono2015

09 January 2023

Started 05 January 2023 by megaphono2015

Ask a Question Problem with the cookie message popup

Every time you reload the phone, the cookies pop up over and over again on the pc it's not like that.
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Latest By Support Team

09 January 2023

Started 08 January 2023 by Sorrow Finest

Ask a Question Google Tag Manager works but no ID inside

Hello, i have a problem. I get the message that this call was started from my side. But I didn't enter an ID in the Google Tag field. How do I stop this call.
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Latest By Support Team

09 January 2023

Started 08 January 2023 by AC-VISIONS

Ask a Question how to add a wordpress plugin to my website

I want to add a wordpress plugin to my site on nicepage. Is it doable and how can I do it?
2 Replies
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Latest By rachelgomez161999

09 January 2023

Started 05 January 2023 by panandroedutech

Ask a Question Problems with my word press website

When I work on my website there is a discrepancy between the versions. When I work in the editor there is one version, and when I publish it it is different on the domain. Website:...
2 Replies
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Latest By rachelgomez161999

09 January 2023

Started 07 January 2023 by

Ask a Question Contact form forces start position on site

Hello, when I add a contact form to my website, it starts automatically at the point where the contact form is when the site is loaded Please see see my site can you help me...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 January 2023

Started 08 January 2023 by tpistor

Ask a Question reCAPTCHA element not adding

I setup the keys for Google reCAPTCHA successfully. However, when I attempt to add the reCAPTCHA element to the form, it brings me right back to the setup instructions screen. Is there a waiting...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 January 2023

Started 08 January 2023 by alexgraden

Ask a Question Hosting on Rackspace:

I tried to host my stuff on rackspace. I get this message displayed: "Web Listing Disabled The owner of this web site has disabled web listing. If you are the owner of this web site, you can enable...
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2023

Started 05 January 2023 by ---

Ask a Question License for nicepage

Hello my name is Eric Ridley. I got a question. Is there a free license where I can create a template for my website or does all of the templates cost. Thanks for the info.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 January 2023

Started 07 January 2023 by rideric633

Ask a Question support request

Hello there, I formatted my computer. I downloaded the Nicepace application from your site and installed it. but the sites I built on 4.5.4 are now read-only. I also reverted to version 4.5.4 however,...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 January 2023

Started 07 January 2023 by solmez

Ask a Question Free license

Hello! Tell me how I can get free starter license?
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By MerlinAZ

07 January 2023

Started 22 June 2021 by v.b0ris0v

Ask a Question You can resell Wordpress Themes / HTML Templates and Websites created with Nicepage on Themeforest but with 3 conditions !!!

For everybody interesed to resell HTML templates, Wordpress Templates and Sites created with Nicepage The answer was that YES you can resell them with 3 conditions: you not export Nicepage...
3 Replies
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07 January 2023

Started 17 August 2022 by WEB DESIGN STUDIO

Ask a Question Visible recaptcha

I would like have a visible recaptcha in my website. I bought NP license because I need a static website with a simple form in it. Initially NP looked the best solution for this. Unfortunately,...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 January 2023

Started 07 January 2023 by pavlov.cnc


Why my HTML export file cannot view same like domain in Nicepage? Why index file view like this? Help me troubleshoot this issue right now. Result view website must like this and 100% same...
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Latest By Support Team

06 January 2023

Started 04 January 2023 by fizahhh98