Ask a Question Religios Website

Hello, Religios website is very apreciate :) Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

15 March 2019

Started 15 March 2019 by JPR

Ask a Question 2 licenses

hello, is it possible to have a discount with 1 license Themler + nicepage? thank you in advance Sylvain
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Latest By Support Team

15 March 2019

Started 15 March 2019 by contact1302

Ask a Question Import content from template

Cuando ejecuto "Import Content from Template" me sale el siguiente mensaje: Please install nicepage components and plugins. Path to...
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2019

Started 15 March 2019 by jesus.bohigas

Ask a Question Slideshow

Hi there - is there any possible way to insert a small slide show into one half of a section, with text on the other half? Can you do this with custom html of some sort? I need to feature a small...
6 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 January 2020

Started 15 March 2019 by kelsepuri2

Ask a Question HTML page head - rel=canonical preferences

If you have built your own HTML websites like me you might use and know about the rel=canonical indexing of a page. When building and export HTML websites using Nicepage you will find the developers...
8 Replies
14 Votes

Latest By Greg Cogar

22 December 2022

Started 15 March 2019 by Greg Cogar

Wishlist Save multiple version of a site on desktop

It would be nice if we were able to save a version of the site we are building - before changing the layout - and then be able to revert to that saved version. Now the site is saved on the last...
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2019

Started 16 March 2019 by jf8

Ask a Question Program not responding

I have started to get a 'not responding' notification. The only way out is close Nicepage. It didn't do this at the beginning of using Nicepage..and has started in this last couple of weeks. Is there...
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Latest By Support Team

16 March 2019

Started 16 March 2019 by Jeff Hartley

Report a bug Firefox bug I think.

I was using the plugin on site with the latest Version of FireFox. When I would try to change an image using the stock photos on the pop up screen. The photo display was very unstable, pictures were...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By ljordan2

18 March 2019

Started 16 March 2019 by ljordan2

Ask a Question Affiliate Links through ShareASale do not appear to be responsive

I was trying to add an affiliate link to a website that I am designing. This the links for nicepage. Anyhow the approach I was using was to put an HTML placeholder in a section and then copy the code...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 March 2019

Started 16 March 2019 by ljordan2

Ask a Question Sliders

I started a webpage and was using three slides on first page. I set it up as a slider and not a slide on a section. However, all was well until a few days ago and noticed my text had disappeared from...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2019

Started 17 March 2019 by Jeff Hartley

Ask a Question Responsive mode not nice!

I noticed that in desktop mode my images look fine but in all other modes they look bigger and narrower (not flattering at all) and it’s very difficult to correct this and also the writhing.. Isn’t it...
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Latest By Support Team

18 March 2019

Started 17 March 2019 by audrayp

Ask a Question Change the font

Hi, I created my internetpage with the Nicepage desktop. I set the font and the typographie in the menu of the application. I then imported the internet page in Joomla. I want to change the font...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 March 2023

Started 17 March 2019 by iop_home

Ask a Question Forms via

I am looking into options for forms and came across, which has a free option without the need for PHP, Javascript or sign up (just email verification). It just POSTs to specified...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By MayaBee

11 September 2020

Started 17 March 2019 by ss71

Ask a Question Export as HTML - Additional enhancement

Hi Yah, Any chance of getting the developers to add this enhancement in... When you export the website the software automatically creates a sitemap.xml file and a robots.txt file...same idea as...
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Chae

18 March 2019

Started 18 March 2019 by Chae

Ask a Question Prevent Grid with two colums to cell break on responsive view on Phone

Hello I have a section with a grid of two collumns and three rows. On the responsive view Desktop, Notebook and Tablet the view are good! (See "Aufnahme18.png" But on Phone Landscape and Portrait...
5 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 August 2019

Started 18 March 2019 by gkobler