Wishlist ADD ACCORDIONS, TABS & TOGGLES - Over 1 year on waiting list

Over 1 year on waiting list, such a basic feature - 1 year? this just proves you guys don't care. Just add more design blocks and forget about the basics needed to design 3.0 website
31 Replies
26 Votes

Latest By Support Team

25 March 2022

Started 24 November 2019 by webxsite

Ask a Question Export from browser

Hello, is there any way how to export project from browser editor back to desktop editor? Thank you for answer.
5 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 November 2019

Started 25 November 2019 by kudlacek

Ask a Question How to make HTML elements to avoid adding extra blank space?

Hello, Nicepage Team. I´ve been trying several HTML codes to show different types of content in ways Nicepage still doesn´t yet, but found the problem that if I create an HTML box, paste the code...
20 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By LGALLP

05 April 2021

Started 25 November 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question articles - /plugins / modules

Am I understanding this right - I can create pages with Nicepage for Joomla - but I cannot make articles ? I would still need to create articles under Joomla - also can I use for example plugins in...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2019

Started 26 November 2019 by igetsmart2

Ask a Question Was ist los?

Ich habe eine Nicepage Ultimate Edition. Warum kann ich nicht mit nicepage web arbeiten?
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2019

Started 26 November 2019 by jm.johannesmartens

Ask a Question How works header editing?

Hello I would like to know how Header and Footer Editing in and Joomla works If I change the head section to one page, then will this update all existing page headers?
4 Replies
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Latest By Giumarr

29 November 2019

Started 28 November 2019 by Giumarr

Ask a Question Menu

Hi, I am considering to buy your software because it seems to be quite intuitive. I installed it on a WP that I have and I was doing some test. But I have a few questions: 1) I watched this video...
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Latest By Support Team

29 November 2019

Started 28 November 2019 by mirabela19822

Report a bug Top Level Hamburger Menu Items Do Not Open Pages

Top level menu items in desktop work as they should. They do not work in any mobile views (hamburger menus). My top level items are not separators and should not behave as such on mobile devices....
35 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

25 January 2022

Started 29 November 2019 by ATS

Ask a Question Login password issue on new subscription

I just signed up for Nicepage Pro. Post-payment, I was diverted to a post-login page. When I try to set a new password, it asks for the old password. I don't remember setting any password in the...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

02 December 2019

Started 30 November 2019 by chetan108

Ask a Question Form - Send To - sendinblue

I wanted to use sendinblue forms instead of mailchimp forms. However nicepage doesn't have a sendinblue option in their forms. I tried to use Maichimp option and hammer the attribute names. It...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By antonin.bernardin

24 August 2021

Started 30 November 2019 by hugocatarino

Ask a Question Cloud client editing

Very interesting solution you have here. I have a few questions. Is there a white label solution that will allow me to add clients that have the ability to do everything including edit and create...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 December 2019

Started 02 December 2019 by rodenp

Ask a Question install Nicepage on my hosting

Can I install Nicepage on my hosting from another web hosting provider? I'm totally new to nicepage, but I'm thinking of buying it.
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Latest By Support Team

03 December 2019

Started 02 December 2019 by robertocarlosmail.c632

Ask a Question Nicepage vs Themler

A few days ago I purchased the basic plan of Nicepage to test out before upgrading to a higher plan. But now I see another application called Themler that looks very similar to Nicepage and I am going...
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Latest By Support Team

04 December 2019

Started 03 December 2019 by legrah2

Ask a Question Can not login, An error occurred. Reload Nicepage

Hello, I am using Mac OS Catalina; I can not sign in. I want to sign in using Facebook but get an error. Steps Open nicepage Using the sign in modal; click on 'sign in with Facebook' This shows the...
1 Reply
0 Votes

Latest By jasper.westra

06 December 2019

Started 05 December 2019 by jasper.westra

Report a bug space between menu items

while in the desktop editor the menus with a colored background and space between the items set to 0 are displayed correctly, In preview the menu items are instead spaced at least 1 pixel and I can't...
7 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 December 2019

Started 05 December 2019 by info2714