Ask a Question PHP-Error

hi, after uploading the site I have php error in the script from <?php echo "semikolon fehlt"?> is automatically <?php echo &quot;semikolon fehlt&quot;?> What can I...
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Latest By Support Team

19 November 2019

Started 01 March 2019 by camjup

Ask a Question Custom classes for menu items

Hello Nicepage Team, i'd like to suggest to implement the option to set a custom CSS class for each item of the menu, straight in the "Edit Items" section. Sure the menu can also be set up using the...
5 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 March 2020

Started 01 March 2019 by Cekker

Ask a Question copy / paste a section from two different pages?

Hello i m doing my website and for landing pages I would like to merge section from two different pages. I tried to copy from a page section and paste in another: not possible I tried to import a page...
8 Replies
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Latest By biancac1226

29 April 2020

Started 01 March 2019 by m_macchetta

Wishlist Border Settings

You can set that you want a border around an item but there is no control over which sides the border is on. You may, for example, want to just have the border on the left and bottom of the item. I...
5 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 November 2021

Started 02 March 2019 by

Wishlist Copy Styles

I have just created a Team Lineup. Having styled the first person's entry it would be great to be able to copy that and then apply the style one by one to all the other entries rather than having to...
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2019

Started 02 March 2019 by

Wishlist Value Slider Numeric Entry

Many elements have a slider to adjust some aspect of the element. For example, if you choose a rounded shape for buttons you can then adjust the slider to get the curve you require. Could the value...
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2019

Started 02 March 2019 by

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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2019

Started 02 March 2019 by martinoviedocelu

Ask a Question Social & Web Image Search Results

Hi, Is there a problem in Social & Web images searches? Too few images in search results.
5 Replies
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Latest By Mufasa

06 March 2019

Started 02 March 2019 by Mufasa

Ask a Question Multi-languag website WPML Worpress

Helle nicepage-team, are there any news for using WPML Worpdress for multilanguage websites with nicepage? THANK YOU
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2020

Started 02 March 2019 by Ricchezza

Ask a Question Grid or Container

How is it possible to create such as attached file in NP, it has to stay horizontal in all responsive mode, do to it is a cheme presenting weekly opening hours in a sekretary....
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2019

Started 03 March 2019 by torbenspetersen

Wishlist Social Icons

The social Icons include Google+ that Google is/has discontinued. Can Google+ be removed from the social icons list and be replaced with a field in which the font awesome code can be inserted for some...
12 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 May 2020

Started 03 March 2019 by

Ask a Question Size of CSS file

Is there any way to reduce the size of the CSS file, mine is coming in at just over 500kb?
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Andy[taly]

28 May 2019

Started 03 March 2019 by ss71

Ask a Question exported project file

Hello, I've accidentally deleted the project file and now I cannot load a website I was working on, on the PC. I know when I exported it I included the project file. Is this stored somewhere on the...
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2019

Started 03 March 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question Possible to specify order of responsive layout?

Hello, I have a section with three columns and two rows. In the top row, is a photograph that is associated with the text in the corresponding column in the bottom row. This was a section generated...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2019

Started 03 March 2019 by lynchtechny

Ask a Question Image Importing and switching from Wordpress design to HTML design

Currently using the Nicepage image importer we can only import one image at a time. This of course makes the program very slow to use. Will this be corrected in future versions. Also in desktop when...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2019

Started 03 March 2019 by Web-Aztec