Ask a Question Does Version 5.18 allow ecommerce cart in HTML5 site, or just WooCommerce / VirtueMart?

As you add more and more ecommerce functionality, you've started to use phrases like "Nicepage e-commerce", which I interpret as HTML5 ecommerce. If you are still only supporting shopping cart &...
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Latest By Support Team

26 September 2023

Started 21 September 2023 by jack.from.canada

Ask a Question Product Details Template - BUY NOW button not working?

Hi, I have setup my site to show the product category with a "view" button to then show the product details with a nice "Buy Now" PayPal button that was on the template. However i cannot get this buy...
11 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By uiparadox

13 October 2023

Started 05 October 2023 by dj1930

Ask a Question nicepage pro subscription

Hello, I just paid for the Nicepage Pro Subsciption last week. I thought that I will be able to give access to the license to one of my employees but I cannot find how to do that. Can you please...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 October 2023

Started 15 October 2023 by s.jaffer.786

Ask a Question Artictle in Joomla - same style as Nicepage builder

Hi, I would like to ask if it is possible to apply the style that is created in nicepage to the website and to the individual article areas that are created as a blog? unfortunately, I only created...
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Latest By Support Team

19 October 2023

Started 19 October 2023 by david.frybert

Ask a Question How to add other people to work with

Hello Guys! I bought the Business Plan and it would say that i can give clients or editors special logins through Content Editors but I cannot find this option. Could you help?
4 Replies
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Latest By LWT Schelle

10 November 2023

Started 09 November 2023 by indexonaweb

Ask a Question Adding a license

If we purchase a license how to add this? we have already built the website 95% and have now decided we like to take advantage of the premium license features. I am building this website on behalf of...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 November 2023

Started 14 November 2023 by jeffnewell2405

Ask a Question Html snippets

Hi, I have placed several 'paypal' html snippets on the same webpage. Strangely, when I preview or upload my site, only one of the snippets work. Its as if only one snippet can work at a time. If I...
3 Replies
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17 November 2023

Started 16 November 2023 by thecreativefluxfamily

Ask a Question Created Wordpress Template

Hi, I created a wordpress template and uploaded it to the my server. I am wondering how I could arrange the posts on the startpage in a single list instead 3x3 columns. Could you help on that?...
5 Replies
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14 December 2023

Started 12 December 2023 by bilder

Ask a Question Using categories in Wordpress

Hello! Could you please help with using categories in Nicepage + Wordpress? I found a wordpress plugin "Pages with category and tag" that can define the category to chosen page. But when adding...
3 Replies
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2 weeks ago

Started 23 December 2023 by secretuser

Ask a Question Menu items different colors

Is it possible to have different colors (or other stylings like Bold) for different items in a menu? In my case, I have one specific menu link that needs to be highlighted by coloring it differently...
3 Replies
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04 January 2024

Started 29 December 2023 by newline

Ask a Question Content Editor for Business Plan License

Hi I upgraded to the Business Plan so that I can work with my team on the html sites generated with Nicepage. How do I give another person a login for content editor access to the Nicepage project...
7 Replies
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4 weeks ago

Started 11 January 2024 by linda312

Ask a Question Installing Nicepage on multiple computers

I would like to install my desktop version of Nice Page on multiple computers. How can I do that?
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2024

Started 15 January 2024 by rggrandin

Wishlist Intuitive - / Variable Smart-Popup Modals on point

I would like a feature from Nicepage that allows for the design/implementation of mini pop-ups at specific points. In short, a certain point on the page is defined, and a pop-up can be triggered by...
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Latest By Support Team

23 January 2024

Started 23 January 2024 by Reik

Ask a Question Ecommerce Website Re-making or Re-creation from CMS

Ecommerce website is currently already developed using a CMS I want to re-make or re-create the same ecommerce site in HTML, CSS first. Then using PHP, MYSQL want to make dynamic web...
3 Replies
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Latest By jack.from.canada

28 January 2024

Started 26 January 2024 by rana395

Ask a Question Hiding block from publishing

I have added new blocks that are still in development and review. However, I made some changes in other blocks that I want to publish. So, can I just hide the block for publishing and keeping it in...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2024

Started 16 February 2024 by Teknosys Solutions