Dear Sirs: I am trying to link to an external website as follows: I put this into the Webpage link box for an image, but when I click on it it only goes to the home...
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2024

Started 17 April 2024 by markwinston1000

Ask a Question Problem with removing unwanted items from page

While creating a landing page, I started to see strange blue dots on individual pages ( screans in word file). Unfortunately, I can't remove them, because it deletes the whole box. Podaje adres strony...
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22 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by anna.frackowiak.kaczmarek

Wishlist Editing theme online

I've been away from Nicepage for a couple of years. I left because there was no way to manage a project entirely in WordPress. You had to go through this awkward process of creating the theme in the...
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25 April 2024

Started 19 April 2024 by BradK

Ask a Question I cannot load and work with NIcepage

I have been using Nicepage since 2021 to design a website and upload to the net. Today when I tried to use Nicepage I cannot access my pages. The program indicates it is "Loading" but freezes at this...
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23 April 2024

Started 22 April 2024 by jsilva72

Ask a Question Nicepage desktop not working

Nicepage desktop not working and get blank screen. My windows is 7 and in a very good status. Nicepage working fine for many years ago with me. But today, it lounched correctely and after 3-5...
8 Replies
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25 April 2024

Started 24 April 2024 by Jordan Webmaster

Ask a Question Trabajar con una licencia business en dos PCs

Hola. Quiero adquirir una licencia business para trabajar en un pc en la oficina de lunes a viernes, y en una laptop en mi casa el fin de semana, en un mismo sitio web. Si modifico el sitio en la...
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2024

Started 25 April 2024 by diegoavivas

Ask a Question Device related Pages not uploading correctly. Menu works on pCbut not on anyother device.

I've just completed the first pass of my first site using nicepage - but there are issues when uploaded to wordpress namely: the different formats the pages are publishied in are proving to be a deal...
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26 April 2024

Started 26 April 2024 by gordysadler

Ask a Question php

Hi np, which is the neweste php version i can use? Our hoster does not support oldeer php versiona anymore without extra payment. Can i just upgrade to v. 8.3? Cheers Ralf
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29 April 2024

Started 29 April 2024 by innovis_medienagentur

Ask a Question FTP Upload is incredibly slow

After updating to the latest version of Nicepage, FTP-upload of my site to my host server has become incredibly slow. What can be done to solve it?
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30 April 2024

Started 29 April 2024 by dimitrivanderwerf

Ask a Question ASLAN Corporate Solutions -

Our address is that is linked to the one above, but the link no longer works: How can I solve this? Thank you. Regards.
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30 April 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by ASLAN CORPORATE SOLUTIONS

Ask a Question Iframes Dimenssion

Good afternoon Could you tell me if there is any way that an IFRAME Html can have different dimensions in the desktop and mobile versions. Does it always have to be the same size? The attached video...
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Latest By Support Team

30 April 2024

Started 30 April 2024 by pedrojoel68

Report a bug NP does not launch anymore

Dear Support Team, I am having trouble to fire up Nicepage. My macOS is 14.4.1 (23E224) on an iMac 27'' from 2019, NicePage version is 6.6.3. What can I do? Please help! Kind Regards, Ralf
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Latest By MerlinAZ

01 May 2024

Started 01 May 2024 by koenner

Ask a Question When can I expect to hear back from support?

Hi - Please see my previous support issue that has not been resolved. Can you give me a time frame when someone can help me upgrade NP on my site. Note that my hosting company, SiteGround did not...
4 Replies
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03 May 2024

Started 02 May 2024 by MSGdesign

Report a bug nice page not opening

ola my nice page 6.3.1 cant open on my macbook, kindly help me. my os is sonoma Version 14.4.1 (23E224)
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Latest By MerlinAZ

03 May 2024

Started 03 May 2024 by jacobmujuda

Wishlist "Export as ZIP to FTP Server"

Sure! Here's the translation: Expression: "To ensure a complete and secure backup, I suggest that the project in ZIP format also be exported to the FTP server. This way, not only the HTML files will...
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03 May 2024

Started 03 May 2024 by DanielTing