Ask a Question Nicepage for Linux distribution

Hello Nicepage, I want to ask if you plan to implement Nicepage on Linux distributions or recommend another solution that will work without serious bugs?
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Latest By Kameniczki LLC

01 August 2023

Started 01 August 2023 by Kameniczki LLC

Ask a Question Google Ads - accessibility on a mobile device

Hello, has anyone encountered a problem with Google ads and page accessibility on a mobile device? Recently, Google has stopped my extension to subsites, although the site is functional. After a...
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Latest By Support Team

01 August 2023

Started 20 July 2023 by regczm

Ask a Question eCommerce

Hi Is it possible to build a eCommerce website without Joomla or WordPress? Thanks for reply Gerald
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Latest By Support Team

01 August 2023

Started 31 July 2023 by gerald.clerc2

Ask a Question Premium member

Whats the difference beetwen subscriptions and license. Did i buy license yearly or I but it once and I have it forever or I must pay something yearly
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Latest By Support Team

01 August 2023

Started 31 July 2023 by enis92

Ask a Question Full width page

Hi, We need to create full width pages. Many today use at least 1920 * 1080 and we need to be able to use the full screen, in the same way as many others. And not with a picture only, but with text...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 29 July 2023 by paul25622

Ask a Question Embedding a Twitter Feed

How can I embed my Twitter feed to the page I'm working on?
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 22 March 2021 by extreme.stl.21

Ask a Question Custom Carousel Dialogue Box

I am working with a few elements on this page and I want to turn this dialogue box into its own single page slider within the element box. How can I accomplish this? I want each little box to have a...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 24 July 2023 by Macco Marketing Director

Ask a Question Preventing Password Page Redirection: Keeping Customer Area Secure and Accessible

hello dear nice page team, i have several pages (an onboarding funnel) with passwords and use it as a customer center. if you go to the password protected page and enter the password you will always...
2 Replies
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Latest By info91872

31 July 2023

Started 30 July 2023 by info91872

Ask a Question Licence

Dear support I am writing to bring to your attention an issue regarding my Lifetime Ultimate License, which is set to expired. I would like to seek clarification and resolution this issu please. I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 31 July 2023 by BFCINFORMATIQUE

Ask a Question google review

Hello, can i put a google review section on my html page? so that the visitors can read the reviews that are submitted
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 30 July 2023 by SCi Diensten

Ask a Question How many sites can be published online on your cloud?

How many sites can be published online on your cloud?
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 31 July 2023 by visual_giga

Ask a Question Fixed text height with read more

Hello i need to write text element with fixed height but when the user click read more the rest of text should appear??
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 30 July 2023 by ahmedadelelbaz

Wishlist hiding a page from menu

This post is about hiding a page in the navigation menu. I know the question has already been asked here: But I really believe there...
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2023

Started 29 July 2023 by bertieb

Wishlist Changing theme on an existing page

I wanted to change the theme of an existing page. I dragged and dropped a theme from the library. Windows version. It deleted all the content. You should have the ability to preserve the content you...
2 Replies
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Latest By bertieb

30 July 2023

Started 29 July 2023 by bertieb

Ask a Question password request change

I forgot my password. Please send a link to change my password URGENTLY!
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2023

Started 29 July 2023 by bobbybrown7888