Ask a Question migrating to a new computer

I have a new Macintosh and I can't seem to migrate the web site from the old computer to the new one. How does one accomplish this task?
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Latest By Support Team

08 August 2023

Started 07 August 2023 by briantcoleman

Ask a Question cant find my site in online editor

Hallo I cant find my only site in the online editor regard Hesham
4 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 August 2023

Started 06 August 2023 by hesham.kutnaji

Ask a Question Google Sheets to Products

I have a list of products, pricing and info in a google spreadsheet. How do I pull this info automatically into Nicepage to list and display as new products without having to enter each new product...
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Latest By Support Team

07 August 2023

Started 07 August 2023 by support35422

Ask a Question pay website buliders

Dears , Hope all is great! we want to pay Page ID : 76708 please let us know how and how much . Regards,
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Latest By Support Team

07 August 2023

Started 07 August 2023 by O.alrahimi

Ask a Question menu

Hello, I'm having trouble accessing a specific menu on my website created using Nicepage. The main menu appears correctly, but when I try to access the submenu by hovering over it, nothing happens....
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Latest By Support Team

07 August 2023

Started 07 August 2023 by sikhondzelikhwa

Ask a Question How to change the USER field in the post section when writing articles

Hello team, How can I change the "User" field in the post? I would like to display who actually wrote the article. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Dario,
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Latest By Support Team

07 August 2023

Started 05 August 2023 by fresu.dario

Wishlist Nicepage 5.15: August 07, 2023 - Payments With Stripe. Order Notification And Maintenance

Dear Users and Followers! We are excited to present the new release of Nicepage 5.15 update. From this update, all Nicepage users can try the E-Commerce functionality. What's New in This...
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5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

07 August 2023

Started 07 August 2023 by Support Team

Ask a Question How to include comment section like disqus?

Hi, loving the platform so far. I have a small site with a simple blog/article section and use a disqus-like service for comments that I can incorporate into any webpage with a small html snippet....
8 Replies
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07 August 2023

Started 13 June 2022 by lofrequency+nicepage

Ask a Question load a desktop version

Não carrega a versão desktop
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07 August 2023

Started 05 August 2023 by pomartec

Wishlist Dúvida na licença premium

A licença que tenho diz que é 1 site hospedado na Nicepage, mas permite até 5 sites, isto significa que posso ter por exemplo 1 site e 4 exportados no wordpress ou html? A minha...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 August 2023

Started 06 August 2023 by paulopereira

Ask a Question How to make it go to the edge?

I am making my website, and in nice page my contents are close to the edge, however when I go to the website after exporting they appear close to the middle. How can I make it so it is on the...
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Latest By Support Team

05 August 2023

Started 05 August 2023 by scunnili1

Report a bug Issue with Setting Websites Live with Personal Subscription

I recently purchased a personal subscription for Nicepage with the intention of being able to set up to 5 websites live. However, I am currently facing some difficulties with this process. Despite...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

05 August 2023

Started 05 August 2023 by pradmin

Ask a Question whats app icon

hello can u please tell me how to redirect whatsapp icon to my whatsapp
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Latest By Support Team

04 August 2023

Started 04 August 2023 by sikhondzelikhwa

Ask a Question Category name blog template

Hello, I need to know how to edit the category name on blog template and and manage the post into them
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Latest By Support Team

04 August 2023

Started 03 August 2023 by germanfalcioni512

Wishlist Unlimited

Offer a lifetime license and I will use Ai to modify the templates to get back to the time when websites were custom builds. Counterintuitive, but Ai does that when done correctly. I don’t need the...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

04 August 2023

Started 04 August 2023 by jpgoggles99