HTML Export

6 Posts
inoempire posted this 28 May 2021
Report a bug

I have used the nicepage app to build a website and I gotta say, I am impressed and love it! The site looks beautiful and clean in preview mode on the app and the tools are easy to use. However when I export HTML as a zip and unzip the files into my sites public directory It turns into the opposite of beautiful and clean. The font for some of the text changes to the wrong font, the header and footer turn huge and cover part of the blocks and the elements in them go in the wrong place and I tried setting the Header vertical align to top and it still didn't work. Some of the text color is not the right color, some images are missing and the bubbles that have the questions and answers are in the wrong spot and wrong size.

This is my site with the files unzipped into it:

These are images of what the site is suppose to look like as it does in the nicepage app
Home page:

Designs Page:

Order Page:

Scripts Page:

Sorry for the images being zoomed out, I could not get a full page screenshot. Hopefully I was descriptive enough about the issue.

Hello, I have used the nicepage app to build a website and I gotta say, I am impressed and love it! The site looks beautiful and clean in preview mode on the app and the tools are easy to use. However when I export HTML as a zip and unzip the files into my sites public directory It turns into the opposite of beautiful and clean. The font for some of the text changes to the wrong font, the header and footer turn huge and cover part of the blocks and the elements in them go in the wrong place and I tried setting the Header vertical align to top and it still didn't work. Some of the text color is not the right color, some images are missing and the bubbles that have the questions and answers are in the wrong spot and wrong size. This is my site with the files unzipped into it: These are images of what the site is suppose to look like as it does in the nicepage app **Home page:** **Designs Page:** **Order Page:** **Scripts Page:** Sorry for the images being zoomed out, I could not get a full page screenshot. Hopefully I was descriptive enough about the issue.
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3 Replies
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 28 May 2021


Right now, your live website looks well on my side. I cannot see any differences between your screenshots and the live website.

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Could you please make screenshots of how your website looks on your side? Also, try clearing the cache on your browser, and turn off extensions. It may help you.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Right now, your live website looks well on my side. I cannot see any differences between your screenshots and the live website. ![enter image description here][1] ![enter image description here][2] ![enter image description here][3] ![enter image description here][4] Could you please make screenshots of how your website looks on your side? Also, try clearing the cache on your browser, and turn off extensions. It may help you. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook: [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
6 Posts
inoempire posted this 28 May 2021

I clicked "restore settings to their original defaults" in chrome advanced settings. The site now looks the way it should on my end, However on your end there is suppose to be a image in Scripts page next to the text "Onyx" and on mobile some of the boxes on bottom of site that have question do not show the right color and stay white and don't have image

I clicked "restore settings to their original defaults" in chrome advanced settings. The site now looks the way it should on my end, However on your end there is suppose to be a image in Scripts page next to the text "Onyx" and on mobile some of the boxes on bottom of site that have question do not show the right color and stay white and don't have image
Support Team
Support Team posted this 31 May 2021


In this case, could you please send us your website as a Project? As you have only the Free license, you are not allowed to export your website as a Project. However, you can find it in the Documents/Nicepage folder. Zip it, and send it to us. We will check your issue on our side. Also, we will convert this topic to a private one, for security reasons.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, In this case, could you please send us your website *as a Project*? As you have only the Free license, you are not allowed to export your website as a Project. However, you can find it in the *Documents/Nicepage* folder. Zip it, and send it to us. We will check your issue on our side. Also, we will convert this topic to a private one, for security reasons. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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