Ask a Question problem viewing site on Ipad other devices work fine

please find attached template and project files for the welcome page doesn't display correctly on ipad safari browser.. I can set up admin / login for you / regards David
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Latest By Support Team

15 May 2020

Started 12 May 2020 by mel247

Ask a Question License costs

Hello, I currently have the free version. I would like to buy the business version. After the one time payment, will there still be costs for me? Thanks.
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Latest By Marco.Keimig

15 May 2020

Started 14 May 2020 by Marco.Keimig

Report a bug Off Canvas menu for smartphone portrait mode does not function properly

I have made an HTTP website using Nicepage in the Desktop application. The website has submenus which work properly when the site is displayed from a desktop computer. When...
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2020

Started 16 May 2020 by patrick.rodrigues

Ask a Question Hover Effect

Hi, Can you help me with how to add a hover effect to my image, some simple hover effect like a blur and that? If you can, can you also give me code for that I try to do hover effect but :/.... I...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 October 2021

Started 17 May 2020 by ddnevne

Wishlist Improve responsive design work / Mobile version first.

Hello nicepage dev team, I wish there was a way to design mobile version first & then "generate" desktop version, for now every design is desktop first then laptop, mobile, .. sure I can go in...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2020

Started 17 May 2020 by a.chypre

Ask a Question What happens when your Nicepage License expires?

Hi Nicepage, I've been trying all sorts of solutions for cranking out websites for clients and have liked Nicepage overall, especially for quickly sandboxing designs for school projects in my web...
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2024

Started 22 May 2020 by shane53

Ask a Question How to disable the mobile menu?

How can I disable the mobile menu on all devices?
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 January 2021

Started 25 May 2020 by chaygrib

Ask a Question php code

I am considering completely modernising my site, yes it is outdated. On some of the pages I have php code, see e.g. the attachments. Would that be a problem? Kind Regards, Steven
4 Replies
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Latest By info26622

28 May 2020

Started 27 May 2020 by info26622

Ask a Question Why I can't eddit my live site without looging to account?

Why I can't eddit my live site without looging to account?
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24 August 2023

Started 28 May 2020 by Toto Li

Wishlist Nicepage 2.16: June 3, 2020 - Contact Form, Table and List Improvements

Dear Nicepage Community and Followers! We are happy to release the new update of Nicepage 2.16. What's New In This Update? Date Field Type for Contact Form Table Feature Improvements Table...
2 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By aplicacioneswebs

03 June 2020

Started 03 June 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Active color on top menu not showing when submenu is active

i have a navigation with a submenu under "produkte". on the first screenshot it looks right (working mode in wordpress). but when it's live the active menu is NOT highlighted even though we're in the...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 August 2020

Started 04 June 2020 by pixelmuffin

Ask a Question I'm confused with Nicepage download - is it a trial?

I like Nicepage, but I'm confused with the download - is it a trial? And then there's the Crown icon for Premium. It shows in the upper right and when clicked, I'm brought to the webpage. But it's...
11 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

05 April 2022

Started 11 June 2020 by DjBogner

Ask a Question Images in wordpress posts not resized?

Images inserted in WordPress posts are not resizing in responsive modes. Any solution for this?
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 June 2020

Started 12 June 2020 by cmppessoa

Ask a Question View in Safari

Hi Guys I am getting reports that there are problems with responsive views when using Safari. I have been sent screen shots of some of the issues and some of the grid layouts superimpose on top of...
16 Replies
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Latest By biztimamventures

11 June 2021

Started 13 June 2020 by director13

Ask a Question Desktop App Pages View, Arrange the Pages.

If there's a way to do this, I can't seem to figure it out. I'm in the Desktop App, and have created 8 pages.. I'd like to layout the overview of the website in some type of hierarchical view, but the...
5 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By JRC

17 June 2020

Started 13 June 2020 by JRC