Ask a Question Tabellen Zellen verbinden

Hallo Kollegen, kann ich in einer Tabelle zwei oder mehrere Zellen verbinden? Ich habe diese Funktion nicht gefunden. Danke im voraus und einen herzlichen Gruß aus Bayern Peter
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Latest By Support Team

24 October 2022

Started 22 October 2022 by TypoMedia

Ask a Question Only desktop, tablet and smartphone lay-out

Dear Nicepage team. I am impressed by your platform, but I would like to to take care of only 3 different designs: Desktop, Tablet and phone. I want to get rid of separate lay-outs for laptop and...
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Latest By Support Team

01 November 2022

Started 25 October 2022 by dimitrivanderwerf

Ask a Question accordeon

how to open the three tabs of an accordion by default
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05 December 2022

Started 05 December 2022 by contact11913

Ask a Question How Can I add HTML table using WordPress theme?

I am creating my website, In that website issue is that I want a feature table in it. I have a html code for that table but how can i embed that code with WordPress theme?
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Latest By Support Team

27 December 2022

Started 27 December 2022 by Terrykhan

Ask a Question Table Help

Hello. I have tables in Excel Spreadsheets. Is there a way to copy and paste them into Nicepage? Thank you, Shelly
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Latest By Support Team

03 January 2023

Started 31 December 2022 by shellynelson2004

Report a bug Apply Style to or not working

I'm in v5.3.2 and when I click on a table cell and then click the tab under the "Apply Style To" in the right column and then apply a style (like a css class) ends up applying to all items, not just...
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Latest By Support Team

16 January 2023

Started 14 January 2023 by andrew659

Ask a Question Custom HTML inside Table CELL ?

I don't know if I'm missing something... But, I can't figure out a way to insert Custom HTML into a Table Cell ? I've used the Custom HTML before. And I've used Tables before. But I can't figure out...
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Latest By Support Team

26 February 2023

Started 25 February 2023 by JRC

Wishlist Nicepage 5.6: March 2, 2023 - Contact Form Signature And Step Icons

Dear Users and Followers! We are delighted to present the release of the new update Nicepage 5.6. What's New In This Update? Contact Form Improvements Signature FieldForm Styles In Theme...
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3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 March 2023

Started 01 March 2023 by Support Team

Wishlist social media icons

Hi, Would it be possible to include support for Mastodon in the social media section? thanks! peter
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 28 April 2023 by corelanc0d3r

Ask a Question problem with they way looks cell phone , pc , tablet etc

when i make page in pc section and next side adding text in cellphone showit text inside the photo . When i am going to other tablet pc after i fix on cellphone in other have change place photo and...
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2023

Started 23 June 2023 by ysar6368

Ask a Question Talepler Toplu Halde Tablo Şeklinde Alma

Merhabalar, web sitem de girilen talepleri toplu şekilde indirme mümkün mü?
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Latest By Support Team

16 August 2023

Started 15 August 2023 by gokhan767876

Ask a Question google tables

Hi, please clarify, do you have integration with google tables to save contact details? Among the templates can I choose the form of data collection? Regards Sergey Ermilov
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Latest By galt7495

11 November 2023

Started 11 November 2023 by galt7495

Ask a Question Force all mobile devices to use the tablet mode

Is there a way I can disable the phone view for the website? Telling my phone to render it in desktop mode results in a great looking page, that looks much like the tablet mode. Can I force all mobile...
2 Replies
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

07 December 2023

Started 07 December 2023 by backoffice11

Ask a Question How to use Blog Category Tabs

Hi there, I would like to know how can I use the Element: Blog Category Tabs in my Joomla Blogs because seems it doesn't do what I want to achieve Can you explain it to me? Thanks Nancy
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by A12 Web Studio

Ask a Question how to centre the text in the accordian tab

The title of each accordian tab is left justified and although i click the centre alignment in accordian settings it has no response. grateful for your advice
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 January 2024

Started 03 January 2024 by munglani