Ask a Question Flaticon policy change

One of the changes in 4.3 is: Icon Recolor PNG Because of the new FlatIcon policy, we have to switch from SVG to PNG in the Icon Search. Therefore, we had to improve the recoloring of PNG...
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Latest By Support Team

19 January 2022

Started 17 January 2022 by Alan Henness

Ask a Question How to set individual social icons for each team member?

Hi😊, I would like to create a page about my team. I want to include individual social buttons under each team member. But not all of them are on facebook for example. So I would like to have a...
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2022

Started 22 January 2022 by dsvs

Ask a Question "Product Tabs" (Woocommerce) Bug

I added the "Product Tabs" element to the "Product Page" template and, by default I was presented with 2 tabs. To avoid that the tab titles show up on the item pages I double clicked the titles and...
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Latest By Support Team

25 January 2022

Started 25 January 2022 by netkomm

Ask a Question Vertical Tabs

Hi, Can you please add vertical tabs to Nicepage ? thanks!
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25 January 2022

Started 25 January 2022 by WEB DESIGN STUDIO

Ask a Question Change backgrounf tabs color

Hi, Is possible to change tabs backgroud color for each tab ? I have 4 tabs and I would like (for better view) change the background color of each tab . How can I make it ? Tnahk you
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2022

Started 26 January 2022 by cristianodona

Ask a Question Animating social icons threat them as a group not as individual icons

Hello, NP Team. Wish you a good day. I`ve added the social icons item and tried to animate the icons so when hover "into/onto?" each one it grows or zoom a little, but the problem is that the...
2 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

05 February 2022

Started 03 February 2022 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Kod HTML w komórce tabeli

Czy istnieje możliwość wstawienia kodu HTML w komórce tabeli a w szczególności chodzi mi o indeksy dolny i górmy? Czlyli i . Wstawiając tekst do tabeli nie można na podglądzie uzyskać np: 10 do potęgi...
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07 March 2022

Started 06 March 2022 by bora57

Ask a Question calculating fields in a table

Hello is it possible to calculate fields in a table?
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17 March 2022

Started 16 March 2022 by info3286

Ask a Question Icons are small in chrome preview but when i upload to cpanel they are insanely huge

Why does my Icons look small in preview but insanely huge in cpanel
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Latest By Support Team

21 March 2022

Started 20 March 2022 by natosin101

Ask a Question animated icons with dynamic text

Hi, I would like to do the icons on the left and the text on the right - the text depends on the selected icon. icons with hover effect (grayscale-color) Does anybody have an idea? Maybe someone knows...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 March 2022

Started 28 March 2022 by ask.artur2

Report a bug Dangerous ! logged into an other account when going back to the tab where this forum is

This is Dangerous in therms of Privacy ! When going back to the tab where one of my posts is displayed, I am then logged into another account with full possibilities !! Very bad behavior, as this...
2 Replies
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Latest By Stéphane

01 April 2022

Started 31 March 2022 by Stéphane

Ask a Question Import CSV to Table

How can I Import a CSV to a Table? Is there an auto create feature from a csv?
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Latest By Support Team

01 April 2022

Started 01 April 2022 by frederick

Ask a Question Can I set up " Social Icons " size differently?

Hi, Can I set up " Social Icons " size differently? Thanks.
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20 April 2022

Started 20 April 2022 by syonline

Wishlist Merge cells in table

hello, I select two cells to merge by removing the border, the panel on the right does not work. I attach screenshot
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Latest By Support Team

25 April 2022

Started 23 April 2022 by lucianodaug

Ask a Question Google Chrome Tab

How do I change the tab header from "index" to "The Golden Pheasant"? Please see screenshot:
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Latest By MerlinAZ

30 April 2022

Started 30 April 2022 by niall.magner