Custom HTML inside Table CELL ?

53 Posts
JRC posted this 25 February 2023
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I don't know if I'm missing something...
But, I can't figure out a way to insert Custom HTML into a Table Cell ?

I've used the Custom HTML before.
And I've used Tables before.

But I can't figure out how to combine the 2 concepts.

REF: I'm linking my site to another partner-portal, and they give me the HTML to place on my site, and at runtime, it populates a button to enable secure online purchases.

Each row ( in my example ) is a specific class or service to be purchased.
In the last column of each row, I'd like to put the HTML, that would create the button, to launch the safe purchase of said product.

I just don't see a way to get the HTML into the table-cell.

I don't know if I'm missing something... But, I can't figure out a way to insert Custom HTML into a Table Cell ? I've used the Custom HTML before. And I've used Tables before. But I can't figure out how to combine the 2 concepts. REF: I'm linking my site to another partner-portal, and they give me the HTML to place on my site, and at runtime, it populates a button to enable secure online purchases. Each row ( in my example ) is a specific class or service to be purchased. In the last column of each row, I'd like to put the HTML, that would create the button, to launch the safe purchase of said product. I just don't see a way to get the HTML into the table-cell.
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 February 2023

Hello, John,
Thanks for choosing Nicepage!

You could add only a custom CSS to each Cell in the Table, also you could customize the button and add the links you need.
We could suggest using Grid instead of Table so you will be able to add custom HTML into each Grid Cell.

Negat Veri
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello, John, Thanks for choosing Nicepage! You could add only a custom CSS to each Cell in the Table, also you could customize the button and add the links you need. We could suggest using Grid instead of Table so you will be able to add custom HTML into each Grid Cell. ................................................... Sincerely, Negat Veri Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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