Ask a Question How can I show a "news section" with my latest blog entries on my main page

Is it possible to integrate a block with my latest blog entries on my main page? (Wordpress) Cause I can't find a block which shows the Blog articles?
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Latest By Support Team

17 April 2020

Started 07 April 2020 by bernhard_grabner

Ask a Question How to export a nicepage page?

Hello everybody, I've created a page with the nicepage plugin in Wordpress. Now i want to extract it for migrate the file in another PC. How can I do it? Thanks in advance! Here's the link of my...
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20 August 2021

Started 14 April 2020 by william.bernet

Ask a Question Norton stopped upload

This not a question, but an information. During uploading of two bigger sites I experienced that the upload suddenly was halted after ca 30% of the upload. No difference in uploading via Nicepage,...
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16 April 2020

Started 16 April 2020 by benb

Ask a Question bonjour, juste une question

J'aimerai savoir s'il est possible de mettre un lien pour importer des infos de facebook ou d'instagram, pour faire un fil d'actualités, sans avoir à le copier deux fois. Et peut on créer une liste...
2 Replies
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17 April 2020

Started 16 April 2020 by elrotringo2

Ask a Question Password protect a page.

I want to password protect a page created with nicepage of wordpress plugin. This is the same meaning as the function of "Edit> Status and release status> Password protection" that can be done by...
14 Replies
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29 October 2020

Started 21 April 2020 by atukosaitoh

Ask a Question Template Needed for Job Posting Membership Site

Why Nicepage do not have a single template on a membership website. I need an option to post Jobs for candidates in my site, Please guide me how to do it. Thanks,
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24 April 2020

Started 22 April 2020 by onlinereyaz


Caros Bom Dia. Me chamo Antonio, estou no Brazil, proponho a vocês criarem videos e documentação na lingua Portuguesa, aqui no Brazil. Somos ao todo 220 milhões de habitantes, e existe milhares de...
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24 April 2020

Started 23 April 2020 by ajcalassi

Ask a Question Anchor text for links

How/Where do I add anchor text that describes the link's destination?
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27 April 2020

Started 24 April 2020 by janstaes01

Ask a Question Forms

When a form is submitted on line, where does the information get sent to? Do we need to program an email address for this purpose? Also, is there a way for visitors to attach a file (like a...
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2020

Started 27 April 2020 by jwhajdu

Ask a Question SEO Keywords

Hi, I'm intending publishing my new Nicepage website this weekend and I'm currently looking at SEO prior to launch. Could anyone please tell me whether I need to separate keywords as I type them in,...
13 Replies
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Latest By Ch3vr0n

05 August 2020

Started 30 April 2020 by rcmcatering2

Ask a Question contact by phone

How do I create a contact by phone button on my website?
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12 May 2020

Started 02 May 2020 by Cook

Ask a Question Access to Demo Site

Hello, do you have a demo site where I can test the following for a few hours? Full design customization (900+ Google Fonts, Custom Font Sizes, Custom Color) Design Joomla pages / articles and...
5 Replies
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07 May 2020

Started 05 May 2020 by bumpf2

Ask a Question Mac and Word Press

I am new to Nicepage I have a few questions. The first question is if I have a Mac which download should I use. I have WordPress which I understand is compatible but, I am using the Mac so which one...
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06 May 2020

Started 06 May 2020 by greatermediaone

Ask a Question How can I add shadows

Hello, I am trying to recreate my templates as They are on Themler with nicepage. One point I do not Know how to do is : How can I obtain the shadows like on this themler screenshot On this...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2020

Started 06 May 2020 by ska72

Ask a Question It's possible to integrate a custom component/module in a nicePage template ?

Hello guys, I developed some custom components and modules, and I would like to know if I can integrate nicely in a nicepage joomla website. Normally I would publish the component in a specific...
4 Replies
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15 May 2020

Started 07 May 2020 by gt_67