Ask a Question READ MORE button translation on blog posts

Hello, On multiple websites we have the same problem with the blog posts. The " Read more " button is displayed in english but we need it to be displayed in french. Our WordPress language is on...
15 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2021

Started 03 September 2020 by Pacifique Marketing

Ask a Question Enlever un élément en bas de page

Bonjour, Cet élément s'affiche quand j'exporte le site je souhaite le supprimer comment fait-on? Merci.
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

08 May 2023

Started 03 September 2020 by panel.tony


Hi! I have a great problem. Your forum says that it is possible to copy and paste a block from one site to a different site. But in my case it`s not possible!! I have 24 sites and I have to copy and...
11 Replies
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Latest By mail4582

04 September 2020

Started 04 September 2020 by mail4582

Ask a Question menu and logo z-index

Is there a way to determine which element is on top? My menu is partially covered my a logo with a transparent background. So you can see the menu but only a very small portion of it can actually be...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 September 2022

Started 04 September 2020 by fred_wehnert2

Ask a Question products block

Hi, I'm using the BUSINESS license version of NP. I want to utilise the PRODUCTS block to highlight some new products for my customers. I don't need an e-commerce section, I just want to show off...
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Latest By Support Team

11 November 2020

Started 04 September 2020 by rcmcatering2

Ask a Question Regarding the fonts for Arabic Language

I did not find any Arabic fonts which suits my requirement for the pages which i need, so is it possible to add fonts to the application? is there away to do that ?
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2020

Started 05 September 2020 by

Ask a Question Event

There have missed create design for eventS
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2020

Started 05 September 2020 by kalluid

Ask a Question Can't find Index.html

When I choose to export a site, it does not include Index, but my hoster requires it.
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Latest By alan4

08 September 2020

Started 07 September 2020 by alan4

Report a bug Incorrect font preview

Team, When I select a font for any text item inside NP its only shows "open sans" regardless of what I select, however, when I preview the page and inspect the element it shows the correct font...
5 Replies
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Latest By Sam B

16 September 2020

Started 08 September 2020 by Sam B

Report a bug Blog post metadata shows current date, not published date

In a joomla page, using the Blog post element and inserting the Date metadata always displays the current date (ie the date the page is viewed) and not the Created date or the Start publishing date or...
24 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 September 2022

Started 08 September 2020 by Alan Henness

Ask a Question Mobile menu

hi how i can make mobile menu the same like on please can you give me advice.
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 September 2020

Started 09 September 2020 by Martin1982

Ask a Question Gallery- different after update

Hi, I have just updated to the new version and when i preview my gallery, it is now displaying differently. I have not edited the page at all since previous version. I discovered the problem after...
2 Replies
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Latest By WebDesigner88

09 September 2020

Started 09 September 2020 by janinesart2

Ask a Question Joomla export capability discontinued

Gentlemen I have acquired a personal license for nicepage for some time ago. At the time I was allowed to export to Joomla, but today as I tried another export, it was not possible. You have changed...
4 Replies
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Latest By halumme

10 September 2020

Started 09 September 2020 by halumme

Ask a Question nicepage desktop not updating after export

I am using nicepage desktop version and created a test landing page. After minor editing, I exported it using the FTP option and I can see the files are properly uploading to my server, but the edited...
14 Replies
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Latest By oziris.ri

15 February 2022

Started 09 September 2020 by completepro1

Ask a Question Sub menu behavior

I have a web site that already had sub menus 1 level below main. It has a funny behavior when using the nicpage post template that exports when I create a home page and then use the tmeplates to...
2 Replies
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Latest By fred_wehnert2

10 September 2020

Started 09 September 2020 by fred_wehnert2