Ask a Question Modello articoli

Salve, ho esportato il mio sito in wordpress, purtroppo però il modello degli articoli del blog non viene visualizzato correttamente e l'elemento presente all'interno del modello non risulta conforme...
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Latest By Support Team

15 May 2023

Started 13 May 2023 by francescomartignetti5

Ask a Question views

Liebes Team, wie kann ich bei NicePage die aktuellen Besucherzahlen meiner Homepage einsehen? Besucherzahlen/Views/Klickzahlen und auch aus welchen Ländern Vielen Dank
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Latest By Support Team

12 September 2023

Started 12 September 2023 by a.miolin

Report a bug Sticky Menu not working on mobile mode

Hello , I have been testing some time nicepage, and saw the new update. I tried to make a new 2 page site, and put the header on sticky mode. this works great for the desktop mode, but for some...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2018

Started 22 April 2018 by shaulhadar

Ask a Question In Preview Mode Moving the Responsive icons

In the standard layout, the link icons in the header ie Page1 Page2 etc are in the same place by default as the responsive icons. Can the responsive icons bar be able to be dragged to another part of...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 September 2018

Started 21 July 2018 by philip

Wishlist I really need an RTL mode

Hello nicepage team. Currently i can see no way to work with nicepage and RTL sites. for instance, there is no way to make the form RTL, and also make the offcanvas menu go from the right and not...
43 Replies
36 Votes

Latest By coderdeve

18 November 2022

Started 06 August 2018 by shaulhadar

Wishlist Still very buggy software... Implement a save button and a non mobile view option!!

I've been using this software to create some nice looking websites but its very hard to get them looking correct. Making just one small change can through out the whole template. If you don't wait for...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 March 2023

Started 17 September 2018 by Me jay

Ask a Question Popup Model

I want to have a Model that pops up over my page when I click on a button. The contents of the model will be an iframe. What is the best way to do this?
26 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 April 2020

Started 04 October 2018 by clickcomp

Ask a Question Menu is not working in preview mode

Hello, I use Nicepage in trial mode on my iMac. But when I try the preview in Firefox, Chrome the menu is not working. I edited the menu items co connect them to the pages. Has someone an idea...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 November 2018

Started 06 October 2018 by Tjaard Heikens

Ask a Question HTML view

Hi, is it possible to see the HTML in the Editor?
9 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 September 2019

Started 21 October 2018 by Pianoman

Wishlist responsive mobile view

adapt size of pictures also in header see attached desk view = right size of header picture mobile view = picture to big Regards Mario
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2018

Started 09 November 2018 by

Report a bug Some grids missing in responsive mode

When a section is created with grids, some grids are missing in responsive cell phone mode.
3 Replies
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Latest By DigitalWorld

24 November 2018

Started 11 November 2018 by DigitalWorld

Ask a Question Menu not working on mobile (portrait mode)

Hi, I created a website and imported all the content to Joomla. So far so good. Everything is working except for the mobile part. The site scales perfect as I created it, but the menu button and...
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2018

Started 11 December 2018 by Bas van Hooijdonk

Ask a Question Mobile view

Hi, I am setting up a site and when using laptop view I see the 3 column grid okay, however when I view in mobile view, the third column disappears!? I have included the project to hopefully show...
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2019

Started 05 February 2019 by john13

Ask a Question What about adding show/hide sections and export pages views into PDF or Image formats from the Nicepage Desktop?

I know that there are lots of tools to capture even scrolling websites, but... Let´s say that I'm not sure if I´m happy with what I´ve created and want to quickly export it so I can send a pack of...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2019

Started 20 February 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Responsive mode not nice!

I noticed that in desktop mode my images look fine but in all other modes they look bigger and narrower (not flattering at all) and it’s very difficult to correct this and also the writhing.. Isn’t it...
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Latest By Support Team

18 March 2019

Started 17 March 2019 by audrayp