Ask a Question Only can get old version of my website

Hi, I have built a good website that works, and it's up on the web here: However, when I go on the Nicepage program, an older version of that...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 August 2024

Started 05 August 2024 by picklehead

Ask a Question Start with the Desktop Version and save the Project in the Online Version, then work in the Online Version

Is it possible to start with the desktop version and continue working with the online version without losing anything?
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

4 weeks ago

Started 4 weeks ago by werner.gauterin

Ask a Question Subject: Request for Extension of Free Version to Complete Ongoing Project

Dear Nicepage Support Team, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently using the free version of Nicepage for a project that is crucial to my work. Due to unforeseen delays, I have not yet...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Kirtan.APR35

3 weeks ago

Started 3 weeks ago by Kirtan.APR35

Ask a Question How can I remove multiple languages on the online version?

I would like to remove multiple languages on the online version - but how<+ Thanks. Anette
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Latest By Support Team

21 hours ago

Started 21 hours ago by mail18

Ask a Question How can we make theme if you finally stop themler?

Hello, I can see that you will never develop artisteer & themler support will end soon. and now you try to make Nicepage, as per my knowledge it's a page builder not a theme builder. So, in near...
39 Replies
15 Votes

Latest By idso.brouwer

10 November 2022

Started 22 August 2017 by wpexpertinbd

Ask a Question Failed to load manifest.

Hello, any time I want to use Nicepage in my Joomla 3.7.5 I always get an alert "Failed to load manifest." Have you any idea what the issue causes? Regards Tom
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Wartburg-Entertainment

27 March 2018

Started 11 September 2017 by Sidekick

Ask a Question Roadmap or news?

Hello. What's new in Nicepage development ? Few months there is no news, is this project alive? Maybe you have roadmap or changelog? What's your plan on 2018 and when the Stable will be released?
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

09 January 2018

Started 14 December 2017 by Vitaliy WD

Ask a Question How to Add Widgets to Wordpress?

How to Add Widgets to Wordpress? How to Style Menus in Wordpress? How to add Your own Menu Wordpress? Please give custom Widgets Area's
29 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

22 September 2023

Started 30 December 2017 by Sct design Group

Wishlist Nicepage Update (8-February-2018)

Hi, We're happy to announce the new Nicepage version that received new look and feel. This page includes the latest major features and improvements. New more convenient User Interface Completely...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

27 February 2018

Started 08 February 2018 by Support Team

Ask a Question ligtbox

How to create lightbox gallery???
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 October 2018

Started 14 March 2018 by Martin1982

Ask a Question No images load Desktop/Joomla

I can not upload any pictures to Nicepage. Neither in the desktop, there comes the message: start Nicepage again and in the Joomla plugin the pictures are not on and the upload bar is hanging. So you...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 April 2018

Started 08 April 2018 by Wartburg-Entertainment

Ask a Question How to create wordpress menu

Hi, I used Nicepage desktop version and I want to create a simply wp site with some webpage as Home, Service, About, Contact, FAQ, etc In artisteer I can set header, top menu position, how to do in...
1 Reply
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 April 2018

Started 12 April 2018 by moonwongjw2

Ask a Question multilingual websites

Hi, I need make a website with multilingual, May I ask how to do that with nicepage ? I used nicepage desktop version. Thanks,
38 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By Support Team

29 June 2022

Started 05 May 2018 by moonwongjw2

Wishlist Copy /Export website-project

Hello, I am working with nicepage desktop to relaunch my homepage with a responsive design. Unfortunately it is not possible to copy/ export the website -project in order to work on it with another...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Oleg

10 June 2018

Started 10 June 2018 by info11

Ask a Question how to add top menu

hi, I used nicepage wordpress plugin to add 2 pages, one is Home page and other one is Service page, but I cannot to add top menu on the page, when I select Header and Menu > it grey color not allow...
5 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 January 2019

Started 28 June 2018 by moonwongjw2