Ask a Question Joomla pagespeed on categort and article

I see that Nicepage created a big section of css code on simple page. I am interested to know Google pagespeed data on Joomla category and article page for live websites. Thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

05 June 2019

Started 31 May 2019 by chinhocktan

Ask a Question Zoom out page and swipe

Hello, I would like disable zoom page and block the scroll to left. Can you help me please? Thanks a lot Have a nice day
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Latest By Support Team

03 June 2019

Started 31 May 2019 by albortolato

Ask a Question Responsive page - what is your experience?

Hello guys After a while I tried (again) to create a page with nice page. I was using pre-designed sections, but every time I have to change some dimension, mostly height, there is just too much work...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 June 2019

Started 01 June 2019 by whdmike

Ask a Question Can the WordPress plugin save a section as a template to use on another page?

I am trying to find how to duplicate a section from one page to another in WordPress, using the NicePage plugin... One of the other forums say you can copy and paste a section, but I cannot do that....
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Latest By Support Team

04 June 2019

Started 04 June 2019 by wayne45

Ask a Question Using existing wordpress pages with Nicepage theme

I created Nicepage theme that I am using with wordpress and I noticed that existing wp pages changed, nice page is using post template for them, which I don't like. Is there some workaround that I...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By whdmike

14 June 2019

Started 14 June 2019 by whdmike

Ask a Question Copy page

Hello support team, is it possible to save Nicepage Post page as a copy? Greeting Holger
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Latest By tech228

02 March 2021

Started 26 June 2019 by holger-just

Ask a Question Mobile Site

Mobile pages are not aligned in the center on mobile device. I can swipe to the left and there is a white small line from some of the items stretching out of the section. But it seems to be perfectly...
7 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Lightsy

11 March 2020

Started 02 July 2019 by rikd

Ask a Question Desktop Dashboard

Hi, I have a Desktop version and created or duplicated pages but it seems that when I go to the dashboard, I can't reorder. Could you help me with this issue? Thanks,
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Latest By Support Team

11 July 2019

Started 11 July 2019 by lynne.collins

Ask a Question Where save NicePage the pages we create ?

Hello, I would like to know where I find the content created with Nicepage ? in a custom post-type , custom-field ... ?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 July 2019

Started 11 July 2019 by AlphaByte

Ask a Question Import-Export Section and Pages in NicePage !!!

To create our custom design we need to be able to import/export section/pages. In this way we can create all custom pages/section we want, and we can import them in a website when we need.
3 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 July 2019

Started 11 July 2019 by AlphaByte

Ask a Question Modification page in blog in wordpress with NicePage plugin

Hello I created with NicePage Desktop a theme that includes a blog template page. I uploaded the theme to my site where the NicePage plugin is activated. I can edit all pages except the blog page a...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 July 2019

Started 19 July 2019 by Michel DEWERDT

Ask a Question Duda sobre exportación

Hola buenos días. Estamos probando su producto y nos parece estupendo, por ahora no ha dado ningún problema. Tenemos unas dudas que nos gustaría aclarar antes de proceder a comprar la licencia, les...
4 Replies
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Latest By normaccv

22 July 2019

Started 22 July 2019 by normaccv

Ask a Question Edição de página sem precisar comprar licença extra do Nice Page

Vendi vários sites em que utilizei o Nice Page para cada um dos sites, instalei o plugin e entrei com o meu usuário, pois caso contrário, não haveria a possibilidade do cliente editar o site. Quando...
3 Replies
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Latest By vendedorousado1

06 October 2022

Started 22 July 2019 by JMTárrio

Ask a Question optimize web page

Hello I would like to optimize web page and make it load faster. I just spoke with my server guy and he said that there is some CSS that page is calling and it doesn't exists. He mentioned also some...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 September 2019

Started 25 July 2019 by whdmike

Ask a Question How to make any image in any page and any size to have the lightbox effect to show a larger version of it when I want to?

Hello again, Nicepage Team. Hope you are having a good day. I´ve noticed that lightbox effect can only be applied to images that are inserted into a "Gallery section", but... how to make any image...
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Latest By Support Team

01 August 2019

Started 30 July 2019 by LGALLP