Report a bug Error reloading page, page was deleted as well

Was working on a webpage in Wordpress, the page was deleted which is really ticking me off that this happened. And I get an error message "an error occurred, please reload nicepage" !!!
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 June 2019

Started 07 April 2019 by wmolti

Report a bug v1.4.2 Links on images or text to internal pages not saving

v1.4.2 on Windows 10 Have "Our Team" style page. Click an image, click Link icon. Give link a Title, then select a URL from the Pages list, ex.: Page1. See Page1 now in URL box. Click Done...
23 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 April 2019

Started 08 April 2019 by gerry2

Ask a Question Cant se menu when i open nice page in jommla extention on det web server

1). Cant se menu when i open nicepage in jommla extention on det web server.. 2). How can we edit menus and links in the nice page plugin for joomla direclty on the server. 3). if we have several...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

11 April 2019

Started 11 April 2019 by tore.braathe

Ask a Question E-commerce, online shop example page/template built with Nicepage ?

Hi! I am interested in a demo template(s) with e-commerce functionality. Is there none, or I just can not find it on the web? Thanks! DFG
6 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By charlie61

20 May 2020

Started 13 April 2019 by Yuri @DFG

Ask a Question Active color menu item on home page

Hi, I have set a different active color for de menu buttons on my website, but when I start de website, the active color of the 'home'-button is not set automatically. This only happens when I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 April 2019

Started 16 April 2019 by DixQue

Ask a Question one page scrolling

How do you make a scrolling page so that scrolling is animated?
4 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By maazbinyousaf

13 September 2022

Started 17 April 2019 by koodew

Ask a Question Don't show page in navigation

I don't see an option to not show a page in the menu. So how do i hide a page that should only show up when text link or button is clicked? If it is not possible please add request to wishlist :)
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2019

Started 18 April 2019 by jf8

Ask a Question How to re-use a section on other pages or use a different header.

Nicepage is great for designing and has potential, but I don't see a way to reuse a section throughout a website. Example, Have a global template similar to the current header/footer which you can add...
3 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By pedro.ferreiro2

14 March 2022

Started 22 April 2019 by gsalert2

Wishlist multilingual pages in Wordpress

Being able to create multilingual pages in Wordpress would be more than helpful. I wish that very much.
1 Reply
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

25 April 2019

Started 25 April 2019 by ToKo

Ask a Question import an individual page

Hi, I was able to import a new individual page and it takes on the header but no menu. Is there a way to get the menu on the new page. John
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2019

Started 01 May 2019 by john13

Ask a Question Wordpress post section

Good day, Would like to know if where is a way to create a section in the page that is made out of posts, ideally, targeting a specific category. i.e. a grid 3x3 with posts by category, by publish...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 April 2020

Started 14 May 2019 by blindlt2

Ask a Question About Blog and Post pages

I remember that in some earlier versions the Blog and BlogPost pages were showed in the pages panel/view like all other pages in a project. Why you take them out? I´ve noticed that editing those...
4 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Harveyanift

05 September 2022

Started 14 May 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Random colors for the page

I like the "Idea Button Section" to generate random section on the page. Can we have the same features for colors ? Would be a time saver to generate random colors for the page pressing a button.
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

20 May 2019

Started 19 May 2019 by AlphaByte

Ask a Question Copy paste styles, sections, pages

Would be a great time saver if NicePage will be enhanced with the features that the other page builders have: - save sections - export/import section - export/import pages - copy/paste css styles...
2 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Andy[taly]

09 October 2019

Started 20 May 2019 by AlphaByte

Ask a Question Tell me please how to make a smooth page scrolling through sections or anchors with the mouse wheel?

Good day ! Tell me please how to make a smooth page scrolling through sections or anchors with the mouse wheel? Here is the code, but it only makes the first slide or section, and it is necessary that...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By daniellenel.ms03.199.2

28 January 2023

Started 29 May 2019 by aukc1970