Can I move my webpage from online version to desktop version

16 Posts
smh_602 posted this 23 October 2018
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I created my first theme in online version in Nicepage and then was thinking of exporting it to Wordpress. Woops. I had not read that only the desktop version has the Export feature.

Is there any way of moving what I did in online version to desktop version. Would not have to start all over again.



Hi, I created my first theme in online version in Nicepage and then was thinking of exporting it to Wordpress. Woops. I had not read that only the desktop version has the Export feature. Is there any way of moving what I did in online version to desktop version. Would not have to start all over again. Rgds Sirpa
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 24 October 2018

Hi Sirpa,

Unfortunately there is no such possibility. Nicepage desktop and online applications are different and there is no option to export the theme from the online builder.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi Sirpa, Unfortunately there is no such possibility. Nicepage desktop and online applications are different and there is no option to export the theme from the online builder. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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