Ask a Question complete nicepage folders vanished

hi, had four sites created the last weeks. they were stored in the assigned nicepage folder. today worked on an project, nicepage collapsed, and after re-opening an error message said "unable to load...
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Latest By Support Team

26 March 2021

Started 12 March 2021 by casa34

Ask a Question Dynamic linking and databases

Hello, First of all, I would like to thank you for this very wonderful application. I wanted to inquire about how to connect the project with the backend and the database, noting that I used Python,...
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Latest By Support Team

15 March 2021

Started 13 March 2021 by tarekoka6

Wishlist Underline text to not pass through 'g, p, q, j, y,'

Hi, When adding 'Underline' to your text, I'd love (!) if the underlining would account for letters like 'g', 'p', 'q', 'j', 'y' so that the underline did not pass right through them. But instead...
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Latest By Support Team

15 March 2021

Started 14 March 2021 by danielborup

Ask a Question Facebook page community? Is there one that we can all follow and ask questions of users a little easier?

Hi all, I know that Nicepage has a Corporate Facebook page for it's software, but, is there a Facebook page for those of us in the community who use it and would like to follow it and be able to ask...
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Latest By Support Team

15 March 2021

Started 14 March 2021 by joni2

Ask a Question Hey! You´re limiting us too much! Almost like Free NP to use!

Hello, NP Team! Wish a good day. Title stands for "Personal Licensed Users" mostly! You had been restricted us "Licensed Users" with soooo many things... Like for example: Why would my license let me...
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2021

Started 17 March 2021 by LGALLP

Report a bug XING social icon doesn´t work properly

Hi Nicepage team, in one of the last releases you added the XING social icon in the social media link bar which is highly appreciated. Unfortunately when I enter a link here it is not working after...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 March 2021

Started 18 March 2021 by tpistor

Ask a Question Layout Optimize Padding!!!!!

Hey Nicepage Team first of all many thanks for the continuous update in NICE PAGE...We love every new upcoming feature. our really MOST needed Feature is placing the text box button and other...
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Latest By Support Team

19 March 2021

Started 19 March 2021 by onlinebuddy

Wishlist HTML - CSS editor blocs like mobirise

As Mobirise user i'm beginning to use Nice Page wich i find more complete and usefull than Mobirise (if needed i can compare both explaining why Nicepage is better) The only things that in my point...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 March 2021

Started 20 March 2021 by contact4862

Ask a Question woocommerce my account

Hi there ! Im trying to build a woocommerce site using nice page , I have a concern that I cant add the My Account page to the header , how would I do this with Nicepage?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 April 2021

Started 25 March 2021 by shaun61

Ask a Question Designer App Pack ULTIMATE

Dear Ms and Mr, we want to use your solution for your agency. which kind of package should we book? The ultimate or can we use a smaller one? Thanks for any feedback
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2021

Started 25 March 2021 by daten5

Ask a Question Share a preview of website on a demo server

Hi, Do you have a server to share the website with clients before publishing. Adobe muse use to have this. It was great. You could share a link with the client and they could preview the website on...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 March 2021

Started 25 March 2021 by kathleen.miller2

Ask a Question Nice Page Menu jumping to sections in other pages

I am new to nice page. Downloaded application, built basic template in application, moved it into Joomla CMS Refined layout in NicePage Extension. Main menu has 4 pages Each menu option has submenu...
2 Replies
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Latest By hfdewet

29 March 2021

Started 27 March 2021 by hfdewet

Ask a Question Google SDK not found

Hi, iam testing nicepage at the moment. It looks very nice and intuitive. The installation to Wordpress is very simple. If click on "colors & fonts" under wordpress i get this massage. Google...
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2021

Started 29 March 2021 by MontyPike

Wishlist How to bulk delete images

Good day. Please tell me how I can choose which Media Library images I want to delete (see the screen shot attached) and delete them in bulk--as opposed to having to go to each one individually and...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2024

Started 29 March 2021 by esr2016

Ask a Question Thanks

Hi Nicepage. I have complaints but just wanna thank you for the great app. It keeps surprising me with so many features. I like the fact that i can edit a page differently for each device. Keep up...
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by mrapelego