Ask a Question cookies alert in Nicepage?

Hello how do I implement cookies alert in Nicepage? HTML page.
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16 July 2021

Started 04 February 2020 by micado-comp2

Ask a Question Hello . . . a Question and a Comment

Hello and Good Wishes, I have been an Artisteer user for years and I finally . . . finally bought a copy of NicePage. My inbox has been tempting me for awhile now. I even went so far as to buy the...
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Latest By Support Team

05 February 2020

Started 04 February 2020 by WyrmHead

Ask a Question sidebar

Hello out there, I try to find out jow to set the sidebar, and I have still Questions. Maybe my English is not so perfekt, to understand everything in the instructions. 1. Is it possible to create a...
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2020

Started 05 February 2020 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question sidebar

Hello out there, I try to find out jow to set the sidebar, and I have still Questions. Maybe my English is not so perfekt, to understand everything in the instructions. 1. Is it possible to create a...
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Latest By elektroknecht4

05 February 2020

Started 05 February 2020 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question How do I add or remove video controls html own video

I have created a webpage and need to export it as a html. I have a mp4 video on my server. When adding the video to my page the options for loop and play automatically disappears. How can I control...
3 Replies
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02 December 2020

Started 05 February 2020 by Me jay

Ask a Question Premium Plans

I would like a detailed comparison of your premium plan options. How are they similar and how they differ. Trying to decide between business and pro. Craig
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2020

Started 05 February 2020 by shopsatchcraft

Ask a Question Forms

I'm using one of the Nicepage templates that came with a form. In the settings, I have it set to work with Joomla forms, but I don't see a place to add a recipient. I have a contact set up in my site...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 January 2021

Started 05 February 2020 by JCB93

Ask a Question Unable to download block designs

I have the Nicepage Personal Edition. On the Nicepage website under Menu: Templates - Block Designs: I selected: At the side of the block it says: Edit...
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by Egtymer

Wishlist UPDATED! Nicepage Update 2.6: February 6, 2020 - New Field Types in the Form, Button 2.0, Header and Footer Editing in WordPress and Joomla

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new update of Nicepage 2.6. What's new in this update? Form: Text Area Type Form: Checkbox Type Page: Back-To-Top (Beta) Menu: Page...
9 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Tooltips on Buttons

Hi Support Team, I have to update some pages that I built for joomla. Right now, I noticed that the buttons have some Tooltips that are not correct. well, I would like to correct them but I cannot...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by mediaware.tv2

Ask a Question When A Stunning New Animation Builder for Nicepage?

When could we have transitions that react to your visitors as they scroll up and down the page like Divi Scroll Effects?
2 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Auguste

07 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by Auguste

Report a bug Cell transparent background got solid color only after update 6.2.2020

Hello team, I`ve just updated to current version, and it seems, that cells in grid, that had some transparency set, became solid color. Any way how to fix it? E.g.:...
10 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 February 2020

Started 06 February 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question Hey! I have to congratulate you for the "Back to Top" botton!

Hi Nicepage Team. Congratulations! I´m really happy you added the "Back to Top" botton! Still needs several more personalization options because it´s pretty basic (like "Text" into it, or do "smooth...
4 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

16 September 2020

Started 07 February 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question How/Can we add "limits" to the white label "plug in" for WordPress & Joomla? Create footer credits with URL link back to our brand

Hello NicePage Team, We were trying to utilize the white label wordpress & joomla plug in, and would like to know if we can customize the features of the plug in to add limitations just like you...
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Latest By Support Team

07 February 2020

Started 07 February 2020 by inconnecticut2

Ask a Question What are the benefits of white labeling under ultimate plan?

Hello NicePage, I do see " Customize Nicepage Plugin with your personal branding ", is this the ONLY benefit of 'white labeling' under ultimate plan? Or, are there other benefits too? Basically I...
9 Replies
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Latest By inconnecticut2

13 February 2020

Started 07 February 2020 by inconnecticut2