Ask a Question Want Whats app chat button

Hi, I want add whatapp chate button in my website that I created in NICE page , I also paid user of nice page platform. Kindly guide me how I add this whats app chate feature in my website
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2023

Started 04 May 2023 by aerocombbc

Ask a Question Can't see a new site I worked on in my laptop now that I am back at my main desktop computer.

Hi, I worked on a site on my laptop,having signed into my account. I site proof was done online. How can I open that site now I'm at my main computer. There doesn't seem to be any way of doing that,...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

11 December 2023

Started 11 December 2023 by david44072

Ask a Question Need to hide some buttons for all devices

Hi, I need to hide some buttons and divs for all devices but seems is not possible, can you fix this problem or tell me how can I do it? Thanks Nancy
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2023

Started 08 December 2023 by A12 Web Studio

Ask a Question Copy/Paste multiple blocks from one page to another

I followed the discussionn on this topic but it did not help me because 1) The replies were old and did not answer my question 2) Those that did, used Word Press which I do not use Am I missing...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2023

Started 09 December 2023 by akramnajjar

Wishlist close tickets

Hello friends Some of my tickets are still not closed although I was satisfied with your response. How can I access a check box to indicate the discussion as CLOSED . . . it saves me time when looking...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2023

Started 09 December 2023 by akramnajjar

Wishlist Downloading single HTML page to PDF

We are trying to create company profile in HTML format as one page. We want to know if we can add an option to download entire HTML page into PDF retaining with all formattings, color, and branding....
4 Replies
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Latest By Charudatta Mundale

11 December 2023

Started 08 December 2023 by Charudatta Mundale

Ask a Question Not able to edit Cookies templet

I am using Online builder and used safari and chrome both browsers but not able to edit the templet Enabled cookies from settings Was trying to edit the templet and add GDPR data But not able to...
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2023

Started 09 December 2023 by care216

Wishlist Desktop search option for sites

The only search option I find is for pages within a site, but there seems to be no search option for the sites itself. We have over 130 sites listed and it is rather frustrating to scroll through the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Jet de Jager

10 December 2023

Started 09 December 2022 by Jet de Jager

Ask a Question wordpress

I successfully uploaded the project to WordPress. The site is ready. Now how do I publish it online?
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2023

Started 10 December 2023 by Iamfree

Ask a Question Microsoft Edge shows message: Malware geblokkeerd URL van website

Hello, I really like to resolve the following problem: Microsoft Edge shows message from MalewareBytes: Malware geblokkeerd URL van website Almost all my pictures are not showing. If i export my...
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2023

Started 10 December 2023 by Legend Gaming

Ask a Question Nicepage lagging

Hello, I recently purchased nicepage a few days ago and I think it's an awesome page builder! Very unique idea and much different from other page builders. However the lag times are making it almost...
6 Replies
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Latest By mafusail1900

10 December 2023

Started 02 December 2020 by keyleadsllc

Report a bug A problem with Arabic.

I have a problem with my website, where I use Arabic, but there's a problem with the scripts, and they don't recognize it when I raise the site to host a wordpress.
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2023

Started 09 December 2023 by ahmed.magdy4044

Report a bug About A Record

Hello, I have added the IP address that you specified days ago. But now, it doesn't seem to use correctly my custom domain. I have checked all DNS records from different websites, and it seems to...
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2023

Started 10 December 2023 by gokaybeksen

Ask a Question Expiring blocks

Is it possible to have a block containing a countdown disappear upon expiration?
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2023

Started 09 December 2023 by Rob19

Ask a Question error updating extension from Joomla 5

Hello, when updating my Nicepage extension I get these errors, what is the reason and how can I fix it? If I reload the administration web the extension appears as installed correctly, but those...
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2023

Started 09 December 2023 by Fer