Ask a Question How many page scan I make with Personal Plan?

How many pages can I make with Personal Plan? The footer will be removed forever. Right?
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Latest By Support Team

24 March 2022

Started 24 March 2022 by r1834

Ask a Question Export pages from desktop to wordpress

Hello, this is my situation. I have designed my whole website using wordpress and Nicepage plugin. Then I have designed some new pages in Nicepage desktop How can I export those pages from desktop...
11 Replies
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29 December 2022

Started 31 March 2022 by rlaria

Ask a Question How to import the one generated pages into shopify

hello How to import the one generated pages into shopify
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19 April 2022

Started 19 April 2022 by peterwithhis1718

Ask a Question Premium plan requested with 5 pages

Good afternoon, Why when I try to export in HTML my 5 pages created does it require the Premium account? Best Regards
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 April 2022

Started 24 April 2022 by jennifer.cadoni.1994

Ask a Question AMP Pages

Hi, is it possible to build an AMP website with the nicepage offline app? Please advise. Thanks.
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10 May 2022

Started 10 May 2022 by rkataev100

Ask a Question Pages not showing

Hi, im new in designing. I made one website design But when i check its online version, it shows Home, About and Contact pages. Services page and blogs not...
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16 May 2022

Started 14 May 2022 by ali_danish99

Wishlist Published HTML pages

I wish NicePage would allow us to upload the HTML page back into Nicepage. I told it to embed PHP mailto code on my contact form but it does not work. I had to go in manually and embed the mailto code...
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23 May 2022

Started 22 May 2022 by joemedcibo

Wishlist Show Block on all Pages

Hey. Nicepage needs the ability to display a block on all pages at the same time. Example: A block with the contact form, which is at the bottom of every page before the footer.
3 Replies
4 Votes

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10 October 2023

Started 09 June 2022 by xvemanuelvx

Wishlist Error in CSS pages when exporting the template

hello support team , can we have the css and the html for each page without referencing nicepage.css each of the pages still reference the nicepage.css which contain above 36,000 lines of codes which...
2 Replies
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Latest By wegdanjwd

28 June 2022

Started 26 June 2022 by wegdanjwd

Ask a Question Limitation to export web pages as html5

I want to know the limitation to export a website as html5, since in the detail it only marks with a check
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28 June 2022

Started 27 June 2022 by nibethen

Report a bug Links to Multilanguage footer always points to English pages

I am using the latest 4.13 version with two languages. The links in menu are okay, but it seems a link inside the Multilanguage footer always points to English pages. It is not possible to set the...
3 Replies
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11 July 2022

Started 30 June 2022 by Vladimir Velchev

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Latest By MerlinAZ

05 July 2022

Started 05 July 2022 by juneswatzell

Ask a Question add pages limited

Hi, is there any ways to use nicepage desktop free? this is because I want to add new page but it is limited as only 5 page allowed to be use.
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07 July 2022

Started 07 July 2022 by marianizulkifli612

Ask a Question Duplicate a block to all pages

Is there a way to duplicate a block so that it is on all pages of a project? I know I can duplicate and copy a block from one page to another (and it works) but do so page by page is time consuming...
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07 July 2022

Started 07 July 2022 by Kukijohn

Ask a Question Change pages to one-page website

Good day. I create a website using pages on WordPress. Each of the menu items: Home, About, Service, Contact, Blog are located on different pages. I want to make this a one-page navigation website...
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14 July 2022

Started 13 July 2022 by chizzydiva