Ask a Question Need to restore a website project

I need to restore a website I deleted. Thanks for your help.
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22 January 2024

Started 20 January 2024 by adhepeaujulien

Ask a Question Questions on Business License

Hi, I am looking to purchase the Business license, which gives me license to use this for lifetime. I understand that I will receive free updates for 1 year. May I know the below questions? After 1...
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22 January 2024

Started 21 January 2024 by Teamworks

Ask a Question Restaurar proyecto que no guardó copia local

Buen día, hace un año realicé un proyecto en un computador que ya no poseo, escribo para verificar si es posible restaurar el mismo en línea
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22 January 2024

Started 22 January 2024 by johanacdc

Ask a Question LEADS

how can i manage Leads, delete, remove. Is there any api for that ?
16 Replies
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Latest By polinkuer

22 January 2024

Started 28 October 2022 by Unikeza

Wishlist Blog Posts

How to Import Blog Posts from one website to another. We are able to import blog page, But Blog posts are not imported.
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22 January 2024

Started 22 January 2024 by irbabu2008

Ask a Question Cannot load website

I am trying to update software but I added a HTML file and now the program stalls (says LOADING) and I even cannot access my other websites I built. I tried erasing the most recent files and that does...
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Latest By Support Team

22 January 2024

Started 22 January 2024 by kjw4

Wishlist System Problem

Peace be upon you, I am facing a problem when running the Nicepage program, and it remains like this
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Latest By MerlinAZ

22 January 2024

Started 21 January 2024 by med.oukas1993

Ask a Question 4783640 - design set

At the bottom of the page: ... It shows a design set of 22 items. I have the template...
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21 January 2024

Started 21 January 2024 by mark39322

Ask a Question Appears upgrade release wiped out all my old sites. I can only create a new site from scratch. This is a disaster if I can't access the sites I have already created.

How can I recover? Was this intentional on your part or a bad bug? Or am I just confused. The folder doesn't seem to exist any longer. Thank you Bill
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Latest By MerlinAZ

20 January 2024

Started 07 November 2023 by bill8

Ask a Question Export von Wordpress

Hey, ich habe meine Website in WordPress mit dem nicepage plugin erstellt nun möchte ich es gerne in der Nicepage Desktop Anwendung weiter arbeiten gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Website dort zu...
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Latest By xvemanuelvx

20 January 2024

Started 19 January 2024 by it3606

Ask a Question Images

Yo. After i upload an image it automaticaly rotates them an there is no way to change it.
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20 January 2024

Started 20 January 2024 by nosal.marekhr

Wishlist Video in parallasse

Buongiorno, è possibile inserire un video in parallasse, come per le immagini? Ho provato ma ogni volta che spunto l'opzione parallasse, il video scompare. Grazie
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20 January 2024

Started 20 January 2024 by pieronuciari

Ask a Question Что такое белая этекетка

Не понимаю, какие преимущества будут если куплю максимальный тариф?
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20 January 2024

Started 20 January 2024 by musatangieff

Ask a Question Back to top button position

Hello, i need to change the position of the back to top button to be on the left side and not on the right side of my pages, how can i do this ? When we use...
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Latest By inthanet

20 January 2024

Started 01 April 2020 by Pacifique Marketing

Ask a Question Access to/by others

Hi! How can I give access to someone to edit my website? Thank You! Jose
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20 January 2024

Started 20 January 2024 by jzbak