Buonsera, nicepage è collegato a woocommerce e virtualmart, seconde dovete fare in modo che tutte le opzioni dell'eecommerce siano modificabili per qualsiasi plugin di ecommerce ci siano, faccio un...
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2024

Started 17 February 2024 by andreacavas692

Ask a Question annullare iscrizione

Salve devo annullare l'iscrizione in questo sito e non ricevere piu' email Mia email: wellnikipaoli73@gmail.com Grazie, cordiali saluti
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2024

Started 17 February 2024 by wellnikipaoli73

Ask a Question I have lost a project page

I have lost a page of a project from the web "https://nicepage.com/Editor/Siteboard#/dashboard", is there any way to recover it?
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20 February 2024

Started 19 February 2024 by alfonso131

Ask a Question Blog Module

"Good afternoon, How can I setup with in nice page? I was looking the the support forms but it talks about using wordpress do I have to use WordPress or is there another way I can set up a blog...
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21 February 2024

Started 20 February 2024 by barry210

Ask a Question Premium Templates and design elements - can I see these before purchase?

Are additional page and site designs available to Premium users? 10,000+ Page and Block designs Block Layouts Grid styles Modal Popups Is it possible to see the above prior to purchase?
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22 February 2024

Started 21 February 2024 by ColinK

Ask a Question Under footer links

How can i remove these links from the websites? They are pointing to nicepage.com, and I want to remove them. I would like to put my website link instead. Thank you for your help.
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 February 2024

Started 21 February 2024 by E.Stella

Ask a Question canonical problems

I found out that all my websites designed in Nicepage contain ":canonical links", and that's why Google is not indexing all pages, only the index page. My "clients" are not happy! Over 40 websites of...
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27 February 2024

Started 22 February 2024 by alfredjordan2021

Ask a Question Font-size from px to em?

To my understanding when using em's as the Font-size, the fonts would scale on the browser size. Is it possible to change the Font-size from px to em? If yes, please advise from where.
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23 February 2024

Started 23 February 2024 by Smiley

Ask a Question Disallow cookies

The cookie pop-up only asks to confirm that cookies are used. Is there a way, as on many websites, where the user can not allow the use of cookies?
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Latest By serenif364

26 February 2024

Started 24 February 2024 by stephen1362

Ask a Question License

Hello I have a question about your license. Does that is one payment? I mean once I paid license I have that forever ?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 February 2024

Started 24 February 2024 by domagalski024

Ask a Question NicePage Watermark

Dear Support Team, I am a new user of NicePage. I recently exported an HTML file using the platform, and noticed that there are watermarks from NicePage at the bottom of the page. I would like to...
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28 February 2024

Started 28 February 2024 by joey.lai.workvtc

Ask a Question Wordpress export problem

Hello, I have a problem with Wordpress in the domain test.de/index.html/... I would like to remove the index.html so that it looks better, but if I change it under the permalinks in wordpress it...
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11 March 2024

Started 03 March 2024 by Sorrow Finest

Ask a Question blank form template

Is there a blank form template without the contact pattern, I'm doing a project where I interact with an esp32 and the contact forms come with a lot of things that I don't need and I'll probably have...
4 Replies
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09 March 2024

Started 04 March 2024 by odair.perazza2009

Ask a Question Using Custom Domain Name

Hello, We have a website ready to go through Nicepage and would like to shut down our old website at another location. Our nonprofit owns the domain name nccraftsmanship.org and we want to use that...
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06 March 2024

Started 06 March 2024 by robb251

Ask a Question The paid versions

Does it include the hosting service as part of it can you fully explain and how would i access the service once paid.
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07 March 2024

Started 06 March 2024 by Jerry Broyles