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Jak korzystać z widżetu Meta dla WordPress

Wstaw przydatną listę domyślnych linków do wyświetlania w witrynie WordPress za pomocą widżetu Meta. Główną korzyścią jest to, że ten widżet zawiera główne linki do Twojej witryny, w tym link do logowania, ponieważ niektórzy nowi użytkownicy nie wiedzą, gdzie go znaleźć.
Jak korzystać z widżetu Meta dla WordPress

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How To Use The Meta Widget For WordPress

If you want your site to be more user-friendly, you need to place your default links in a prominent place. For that, you can use Meta Widget, which lets you Insert a handy list of default links for showing on your WordPress site. The main benefit is that this widget contains main links for your site, including a login link, as some new users don't know where to find it. From the Meta Widget property panel, you can set the name and animation for it and change the widget background and border type.

You can use a standard Meta widget except in this case. Now 5 custom meta widget is trending around the world. Using the Meta Widget, you should have displayed it on your site. Some Free WordPress Plugins let you Activate a Custom Meta Widget WordPress plugins. Everyone knows which is a 5 standard Meta widget. Free WordPress Themes will give you 1 custom meta widget. Free WordPress Standard Meta widget links don't allow post navigation. This WordPress plugin gives you a custom meta widget for free.

The best WordPress custom meta widget links should not be displayed. The best WordPress plugins do not need your email address to see your published information from the link. The Free WordPress meta widget can Save my name, email, and address. Use the RSS Comments RSS link to access the custom meta widget. Leave the Reply Cancel Reply to skip to content for the WordPress plugin. There are some Entries RSS, Comments RSS, or login Entries RSS. Google Analytics will Download a Free custom meta WordPress Plugin.