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Jak grupować elementy za pomocą skrótów klawiszowych

Grupowanie to bardzo powszechna operacja, która pozwala na łączenie elementów względnych i minimalizowanie obciążenia związanego z kontrolowaniem każdego elementu osobno podczas przesuwania, wyrównywania itp. Aby zgrupować wiele elementów, zaznacz elementy obszaru lub zaznacz każdy, klikając i przytrzymując klawisz SHIFT, a następnie naciśnij klawisz Kombinacja CTRL+G.

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How To Group Elements With The Ctrl+G Combination To Manage And Create Content

During site creation, it is easier to manage any element once it is grouped. It can be tedious and time-consuming to customize every element separately, especially if it is not thorough customization. So instead of leaving controls on their own, grouping them using a hotkey combination. Drag the mouse cursor over the element icon you want to group or pick a single element one by one using the shift and click on it. Then simply press ctrl+g on your keyboard and the selected controls within the section will instantly form into your custom grouping. It will organize content elements once you decide to build a great community support center, advanced video center, or pro help center.

This function is very helpful when you create a new theme and want to set the default value for a certain element or an image icon type. It is also an excellent help when you need to deal with a blog site type or a media library with video content now. You can customize play video, watch a video, or pause video icon sets for your own whole gallery list. Set the default text next using ctrl+g grouping and apply custom CSS code for every text content on the list or in the library. No matter what types of controls there are on the list or in the gallery, you will see that grouping can help arrange the content, whether text, icon, or video content element, and save time.

In the community of web developers, it is standard practice to use grouping during the WooCommerce product construction or apply advanced features to the Elementor WordPress page, or a contact form 7, when developers require a different approach to a particular type of content and save time. Even if you want to form custom types of WooCommerce theme sites, you must first start from the default product position. Do not pick a single icon or a code one at a time, become like a community developer and use the quick hotkey pro combination for quick and advanced customization of any product section around.