Hoe blokken in overzicht te hernoemen

Om blokken te ordenen en te beheren, kun je ze hernoemen in het overzicht. Selecteer de pagina-navigator naar links om naar het tabblad Overzicht te gaan. Dubbelklik of selecteer de optie Naam wijzigen in de Opties. Wijzig de bloknaam om uw proces voor het ontwerpen van een website beter beheersbaar en handiger te maken.

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How To Rename Site Blocks In The Outline

Proper organization and management of your site allow you to navigate and find the necessary elements and blocks quickly. For this to happen, you should properly name the elements and blocks on your site. Go to the Quick Access panel on your left and select the Page Navigator section. Click on the Outline tab to review all the blocks on your current page. Double-click on any block name to quickly rename it according to its function or position on the page. Build an understandable and laconic naming system to improve the construction and customization process. An effective managing process is quite important for site-building.

Using a clear naming system in your projects will help you quickly navigate and manage blocks and elements of your site, making site construction more effective and less time-consuming. Review the section layouts and analyze how every section correlates with each other. Change section or remove section features of our flexible website editor will allow you to change section layouts. The add section button will add a new section to your layout immediately. Change layout to build a consolidated design that will serve as an advert for attracting new users and potential customers.

Every section should be reviewed before you add it to your site. You should also review the How-To videos from our help center that can clarify many aspects of site construction and web designing. It is incredible how the videos with edit website instructions can improve your attitude towards forming the site structure. We provide various examples and suggestions for site improvements and the newest design features and functions that make every site unique and memorable for your current users, potential customers, and business partners.