Add Image Into Blog And Have Blog Footer Same As Page

Grand Papa G
46 Posts
Grand Papa G posted this 08 July 2024
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Add Image Into Blog And Have Blog Footer Same As Page

please see attached video to show you what I am struggling with



Add Image Into Blog And Have Blog Footer Same As Page please see attached video to show you what I am struggling with Thanks Alexander
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 July 2024

Hello Alexander,

  1. The default post image is a featured image added in your WP post edit panel.
    The first post has this image already imported with your pages from a desktop application, see attached screenshots.

  2. The post pages use your site's active theme Post template with header and footer, to edit header/footer you need to change the theme file with your desktop project and update it on site.

  3. The blog page is a Nicepage page with Blog post element that uses the header and footer adjusted directly with plugin editor. If you add a blog menu item to your menu you will see the page that use Blog template and will have the same header/footer as your post page with Post template from active theme.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Alexander, 1. The default post image is a featured image added in your WP post edit panel. The first post has this image already imported with your pages from a desktop application, see attached screenshots. 2. The post pages use your site's active theme Post template with header and footer, to edit header/footer you need to change the theme file with your desktop project and update it on site. 3. The blog page is a Nicepage page with Blog post element that uses the header and footer adjusted directly with plugin editor. If you add a blog menu item to your menu you will see the page that use Blog template and will have the same header/footer as your post page with Post template from active theme. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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