Ask a Question connect domain

Hello and respect, 1- I have a business account. Do I need to purchase hosting to connect my domain. 2- Based on my correspondence with the domain registrar company, I learned that in the domain...
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2024

Started 16 April 2024 by daneshgarnet

Wishlist There is no Title option for Google map

Hello support, since Google like to know what the addeded Google map on our website represents, it will be useful to have an option to add Google map title in our map. We can do this manually but it...
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2024

Started 19 April 2024 by igor.kulundzic

Ask a Question How to modify the Page Password template

when I have installed the template in Joomla the password template is gone and the other templates are hidden. How to modify the Page Password template Jim
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19 April 2024

Started 15 April 2024 by Jim Moosmann - Fotograf


Dear Sirs: I am trying to link to an external website as follows: I put this into the Webpage link box for an image, but when I click on it it only goes to the home...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2024

Started 17 April 2024 by markwinston1000

Ask a Question Slowing down the accordion

Hello Nicepage team, I know that a similar question has been asked before, but since there hasn't been an answer for a long time, I'll take the liberty of asking again: is there any chance of making...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by Website-Rookie

Wishlist SEO: Why does the Title become H1 and Subtitle a H2

Hello, I am now cleaning up the tags for SEO optimisation. I realized that Title becomes a H1 and Subtitle becomes a H2, but why? An optimal page should have only 1 x H1 and 1 x H2. This is why i...
2 Replies
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18 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by PROJEDA

Ask a Question Red FATAL ERROR Page in Joomla 4.4.1 trying to update last version of nicepage

Hi, I've tried to update nicepage plugin inside my website and after a few Joomla respond with the red fatal error page instead to update the plug in, How can I solve it? RED FATAL ERROR:...
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Latest By Support Team

18 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by miosito2

Ask a Question is web hosting included for live sites for a year if i buy a license?

hi i'm looking to purchase a license does web hosting come with the package for one year or can you someone explain to me what the hosting features are? and what are the costs after the year is over...
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Latest By Support Team

18 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by inxrpwetrust

Ask a Question Template Previewing

Good morning... Quick question; is there somewhere I can go online just to sample a few templates online. I don't want to have to install it on my app as a new site, I just want to have a quick click...
4 Replies
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Latest By Grafixation

18 April 2024

Started 18 April 2024 by Grafixation

Wishlist Tradurre sito da italiano a inglese

Buongiorno, da video tutorial vedo che il programma dovrebbe tradurre in automatico il testo nelle varie lingue ma se provo a fare il sito multilingua non traduce niente. c'è da attivare qualcosa?
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18 April 2024

Started 17 April 2024 by frommellone

Ask a Question Connexion nice page impossible depuis mis à jour de mon mac

Bonjour, J'ai fait une sauvegarde sur mon mac. Depuis je ne peux plus accéder à mon compte nice page ... Merci de me proposer une solution. Cordialement Vincent Marly
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18 April 2024

Started 12 April 2024 by vincent.marly

Ask a Question Nicepage on Sonoma 14.4

Auch die neue Version 6.7.6 läuft nicht mit MacOS 14.4.1 (23E224). Jetzt schon fast 2 Monate, wird Zeit dass sich da etwas von euer Seite tut. Ich zahle für Nicepage Ultimate und kann erwarten, dass...
3 Replies
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Latest By moewe

18 April 2024

Started 10 April 2024 by moewe

Ask a Question Submit Form to Google Sheet w/o Nicepage hosting?

Hi, I'm working on a form, which should submit the data to Google Sheet. My question is, when I build the site with Online builder and connect the Google sheet according your instructions...
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Latest By Support Team

18 April 2024

Started 17 April 2024 by Smiley

Report a bug Publishind Sites at Multiple hosting issues

I use use several different hostings companies and accounts with different clients. When publishing a 1 site to a Godaddy account, and publish another site to another hosting account (InMotion), the...
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18 April 2024

Started 17 April 2024 by tg_yes

Ask a Question Give other users with "Subscriber" Permission access to the Nicepage Wordpress plugin

Hi, I have a more specific question about sharing the Nicepage licence. I have a Nicepage Ultimate plan, and can specify a domain as a customer licence. Any person can register with my Wordpress...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 April 2024

Started 13 April 2024 by xvemanuelvx