Ask a Question Mac and Word Press

I am new to Nicepage I have a few questions. The first question is if I have a Mac which download should I use. I have WordPress which I understand is compatible but, I am using the Mac so which one...
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2020

Started 06 May 2020 by greatermediaone

Ask a Question License

I need to create more websites, it is not allowing me, i have purchaseed a business license that said i can have unlimited websites to buld
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2020

Started 06 May 2020 by rasselm

Ask a Question Hamburger panel not displaying

My hamburger panel is not displaying consistently. When I resize my browser to make it appear on my desktop, it works fine from the off-canvas. When I access the site using my phone, the panel doesn't...
12 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 June 2022

Started 06 May 2020 by chrisbegeman

Ask a Question Problem with Blog Template and Post Temples

Hello Team, Please I have been trying to add Blog Temples and Post Temples to my Project for editing but is not add up to project nor change file name to a different one. Also trying to manually...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2020

Started 06 May 2020 by Kwamm Consult

Ask a Question Nicepage in Joomla

I am very satisfied generally with Nicepage. I am using it in Joomla for several sites now. One issue I do have is that when editing content, one cannot edit using the Menu option to get to connected...
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 May 2020

Started 06 May 2020 by chris693

Ask a Question It's possible to integrate a custom component/module in a nicePage template ?

Hello guys, I developed some custom components and modules, and I would like to know if I can integrate nicely in a nicepage joomla website. Normally I would publish the component in a specific...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 May 2020

Started 07 May 2020 by gt_67

Ask a Question Form icons

Hello good morning I wanted to ask the nicepage program can create icons the form I will send you an example where it shows the icon that looks nice. Attached in example link icon form example...
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2020

Started 07 May 2020 by GraphicDesignerJF

Wishlist Hover Effects!

Please, please add Hover effects...
2 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By artdirection4u

01 February 2021

Started 08 May 2020 by ToKo

Ask a Question Back up for my Nicepage pages in Wordpress

Dear Mr/Mrs, I would like to ask you a question. I have a free version of the Nicepage now. I would like to make a purchase and get a Premium one. Only barrier to purchase is found out how to back...
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2020

Started 12 May 2020 by ondra.chloupek

Wishlist Nicepage 2.14: May 12, 2020 - Page Element Outline. Gallery Released.

Dear Nicepage Community Members! We are happy to announce the release of Nicepage 2.14. What's New In This Update? Page Element Outline Gallery Image Zoom Animation Word Suggest in Block...
16 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By aaanupes

19 May 2020

Started 12 May 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question White Label

What will happen to my clients if my white label subscription is not re-newed after one year of purchase for an example? Will the clients still be able to use the white label plugin, yes?
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2020

Started 12 May 2020 by charlie61

Ask a Question Cuando doy buscar la palabra se bloquean o dan error?

Buenos días como estas, Despues de actualizar ultima versión hay un error cuando le doy buscar una palabra se bloquean y tambien se reinicia el programa deben solucionar el problema cuando doy a...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 May 2020

Started 12 May 2020 by GraphicDesignerJF

Report a bug gros problème au niveau des galleries depuis la dernière mise à jour du plugin

Depuis la dernière mise à jour du plugin joomla, les galleries ne fonctionnent plus correctement. Quand on clique sur une vignette, il ne se passe rien. ça marchait mieux quand il y avait gallery...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 May 2020

Started 12 May 2020 by sps2i.moulins

Ask a Question Structure of pages in the directory.

Hi! I wonder if, somehow, can I build a website with a sub-pages exported to a separate folders, for example: -- index.html -- index.html not like now: -- index.html --...
3 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 May 2022

Started 12 May 2020 by JiffyBag

Ask a Question Compatibility Joomla V3 to Joomla V4

Hi, Are the websites I've created in Joomla3 compatible with the future Joomla4? Or do I have to re-create my websites and templates in the future?? Will it be an easy process for...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 August 2021

Started 13 May 2020 by ronsahertian