Report a bug Paginação

Olá A paginação em um bloco de blog não funciona ( Obrigado
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Latest By Alimentarius

21 September 2022

Started 21 September 2022 by Alimentarius


some white SVG or PNG are invisible in the image bank. Could you have a light grey background for easier selection?
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Latest By Support Team

26 September 2022

Started 26 September 2022 by designdealer13

Ask a Question adding a page using code

greeting i want to know that can i add pages on my website using code php and html
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2022

Started 27 September 2022 by Pruvenfacts

Report a bug Firefox shows wrong background colors of Text

Hi, my website works fine with chrome and edge, but Firefox shows wrong backgroud colors in Headlines. See attatched schreenshots. How can I solve this? BR Holger
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 September 2022

Started 28 September 2022 by h.brehmann

Wishlist user interface

bottom horizontal scrollbar: MAKE IT BIGGER.
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Latest By Support Team

29 September 2022

Started 29 September 2022 by Jean-Philippe

Ask a Question Menu, and hamburger

Hello Please explain to me how the menus work, and how the hamburger icon works, and what is the panel is talking about. THE MENUS Between all my screen sizes I want to be able to put an adjusted...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 October 2022

Started 30 September 2022 by Jean-Philippe

Ask a Question Grid repeater and uplading multiple images at once

I have to create a couple galleries with close to 100 images each. After doing research on NP forums for info on this I find that after uploading my images I cannot drag only but one at a time onto...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 October 2022

Started 02 October 2022 by Fins and Fur

Ask a Question Remove -/+ icons from submenu

Hi, Kindly, when I add submenu for the main menu, there is a -/+ icon appear inside a box (please see attached screen), how can I remove this box? so the line be fit without this icons? Appreciated...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 October 2022

Started 03 October 2022 by farooqalbahar7

Ask a Question Как выйти из аккаунта

Здравствуйте. Сдал клиенту сайт, но возникла необходимость выйти из своего аккаунта с лицензией. Вопрос: 1. Если я выйду из своего аккаунта на клиентском сайте, то лицензия соответственно слетит и...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 October 2022

Started 07 October 2022 by

Ask a Question HTML Element

Hello. How can I eliminate an html element that doesn't appear in the footer of my page? Thanks
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 October 2022

Started 07 October 2022 by Alimentarius

Report a bug failed to send request:"//" HTTP status-0

While I have been working for several hours on a website, ( Joomla 4 site, page construction with NP in-house), I suddenly find myself with this problem : failed to send...
7 Replies
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Latest By ibwireless

29 July 2023

Started 15 October 2022 by celinem

Ask a Question Best Practise - Building Lots of Sites

I will be building a lot of client html websites. Is it better to build them in the desktop app or the online builder? My worry is that as the number of sites increases the apps will get very slow...
8 Replies
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Latest By john2580

20 October 2022

Started 19 October 2022 by john2580

Wishlist improving image processing

when we manage the media images, pictos... two important things are missing (in my opinion) to speed up production. a) possibility to update a media. (when an image is installed in a carousel, an...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

26 October 2022

Started 26 October 2022 by designdealer13

Ask a Question e possibile creare delle cartelle nella libreria

sarebbe possibile creare delle cartelle per inserire le immagini divise per pagina seza averle tutte assieme? devo pubblicare parecchie foto e se vanno a finire tutte insieme diventa complicato...
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Latest By Support Team

01 November 2022

Started 31 October 2022 by nicowm

Ask a Question I'm loving Nicepage so far

First off, huge kudos to the developers and those behind Nicepage, I'm super glad they decided to work in something like this. Happy to continue patronizing as Nicepage grows. About that, I do hope...
2 Replies
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Latest By Light

01 November 2022

Started 31 October 2022 by Light