Ask a Question Fully collapsed FAQ on page

Hello my question is, if it is possible to set up the FAQ element to be fully collapsed on page. I noticed, that FAQ is always with uncollapsed first option when I visit my page and that is unwished...
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Latest By Support Team

29 March 2021

Started 26 March 2021 by webklub

Ask a Question Nice Page Menu jumping to sections in other pages

I am new to nice page. Downloaded application, built basic template in application, moved it into Joomla CMS Refined layout in NicePage Extension. Main menu has 4 pages Each menu option has submenu...
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Latest By hfdewet

29 March 2021

Started 27 March 2021 by hfdewet

Ask a Question Need help with a custom HTML page

Hello, I am hoping to have someone recreate the layout below in Dreamweaver friendly HTML. Is this even possible? The page we hope to recreate within HTML: Any...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 March 2021

Started 28 March 2021 by tom1398

Ask a Question Different Header Pages

Hello, Nicepage Team. I created different pages to my website and I wanted that these pages had different header because the header is links to blocks and the page content are differents. How can I...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 June 2021

Started 29 March 2021 by carlosalberto.espiritosanto

Ask a Question page not found...

Dear pnicoue, A new answer has been submitted to the topic "Fw: error on activate plugin on wordpress". Please click the following link to see it: If the link...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 April 2021

Started 30 March 2021 by pnlwsn

Wishlist Nicepage 3.11: April 2, 2021 - Custom Fonts in WordPress and Joomla. Single Page Export and Import

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are glad to present the new Nicepage 3.11 update. What's New in This Update? Using Custom Fonts in WordPress and Joomla Page Export and Import in...
8 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By biljiczop

10 January 2022

Started 02 April 2021 by Support Team

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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by contato3

Ask a Question Nice page pages don't show up in Blog list

I have created a Blog post overview in Nice Page and subsequently created some pages in Joomla. Generic Joomla pages do show up, however if I create a Nice Page page it doesn't show up in the blog...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 April 2021

Started 05 April 2021 by hm-manders

Ask a Question Unable to create new pages

For some reason I'm unable to create new plank pages, when I do, they are all copies of the home page, the 'contact' page is an exact copy of the home page, and when I click on 'add page' then select...
2 Replies
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Latest By usalabs14

07 April 2021

Started 06 April 2021 by usalabs14

Ask a Question Reorder pages after update

Hi, It seems that it's now impossible to reorder pages in Nicepage after your latest update. Please be kind to fix that. Earlier it was possible to drag the pages around and place them in that order...
17 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By MerlinAZ

21 October 2021

Started 08 April 2021 by Karsten K

Ask a Question Option to change WIDTH

I was looking to change the (max) page width, but to my amazement it seems impossible. I have checked forum and its absolutely LITTERED with questions and requests about this, always with a standard...
8 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By John Smith

03 April 2022

Started 09 April 2021 by post18122

Ask a Question How to I export my website from wordpress to nice page editor

I build the website from WordPress, when I don't have internet i need to work on the little things inside the site and putting it on your offline builder is perfect. That's why I started with...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 April 2021

Started 11 April 2021 by Jblues

Ask a Question There are two header blocks in one page.

I have 2 questions about headers I may be make something wrong until a block change to be a second header. How can I change the second header to be a block? If I want two headers on one page: 1)...
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Latest By Support Team

12 April 2021

Started 11 April 2021 by wiinaja

Ask a Question Pages can´t be rearrange? WTF?

Sorry for the WTF expression, NP Team... But, How could this be? It´s now a PLC unavailable option? So, WTF?! Hey, you´re taking this limitations to much further. Don´t you think? Are you really...
2 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

13 April 2021

Started 13 April 2021 by LGALLP

Report a bug Error when importing pages to joomla

Hello, when I import a page from the Mac Dektop App to Joomla using the "Import data" function of the nicepage joomla plugin, the page isn't createt nor updated in Joomla. Instead, PHP throws this...
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Latest By Support Team

13 April 2021

Started 13 April 2021 by nicepage240