Ask a Question UPLOAD LIMITS

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Latest By tcndicklees

03 March 2024

Started 02 March 2024 by tcndicklees

Wishlist Vertical alignment problem

as seen in the picture, all lines are aligned the same in the multiple list layout. but when there is a title with 2 lines and a title with 1 line, the title with 1 line cannot be aligned vertically...
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2024

Started 09 March 2024 by osmenkul

Wishlist Google Maps for blogs

Merhaba. Yapmak istediğim bir şey var yardımcı olur musunuz? Blog Yazısı yazırlıyorum. Bunlar Kayak Merkezleri Hakkında. Her bir Gönderinin açıklamasını yazıyorum, resimlerini belirliyorum, otomatik...
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By redminote10xiaomi

13 March 2024

Started 13 March 2024 by redminote10xiaomi

Wishlist Add possibility to replace images in gallery

Hi, it would be cool to change an uploaded image in gallery for a project This would allow uploading an optimized version of the image for example without changing all links / embedded...
3 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 April 2024

Started 16 March 2024 by info44392

Ask a Question script Google tag

Hi, when I try to insert the Tag Google ADS script (gtag.js) into the HTML tab, the program doesn't allow it; In the past this problem did not exist. For convenience I have version V6.6.3. Thank...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2024

Started 19 March 2024 by wdege

Ask a Question enter buton

Good afternoon, When I want to create a produect text or product description, the ENTER button does not work. This results in enormously sloppy and long texts without being able to make them '...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 March 2024

Started 28 March 2024 by Info1090822

Ask a Question Block anchors with Statcounter

I am trying to track click to individual blocks on a page. I found this guide: I am using Nicepage on...
2 Replies
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Latest By mail8412

08 April 2024

Started 08 April 2024 by mail8412

Ask a Question properties button

hello I would like to add an ID to the button, but I can't find the properties of the button that have this option, could you help me?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 May 2024

Started 12 April 2024 by flavio.goedert

Ask a Question after hiding a block on a device can I make it show again?

Sorry in advance if the question has already been asked, unfortunately I haven't found anything. I have hidden a block, in this case an image with a parallax effect, in the mobile view. Is there a...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 April 2024

Started 13 April 2024 by Website-Rookie

Ask a Question Trabajar con una licencia business en dos PCs

Hola. Quiero adquirir una licencia business para trabajar en un pc en la oficina de lunes a viernes, y en una laptop en mi casa el fin de semana, en un mismo sitio web. Si modifico el sitio en la...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2024

Started 25 April 2024 by diegoavivas

Ask a Question No Cache HTML

Where do I enter the following Cache Control HTML? I tried "Page Settings," "HTML, "Additional Head," but got popups rather than accepting the coding. Is is the code written correctly? Thank...
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2024

Started 25 April 2024 by brentonbattles

Wishlist Add image to acordion menu text.

I can not images to the acordion text field. Please add this function.
4 Replies
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Latest By walter900

26 April 2024

Started 26 April 2024 by walter900

Ask a Question cursor effect

Hi, can you help me? I want to implement this effect in html/wp theme, but I don't understand I can I add the code... can you help me?
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2024

Started 02 May 2024 by Keystone

Ask a Question Joomla Plug-In pages export

Hi we want to export all pages from Joomla Pulg-In to the App on our iMac M1 PC. I can´t do that. Will you to do that for us? On line Builder is also OK. Thanks in Advance. George
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Latest By Support Team

08 May 2024

Started 08 May 2024 by george-leenders

Ask a Question Question about HTML export

On the website, the pricing plans chart indicates that HTML export is available in the free tier. However, in the software itself, the HTML option has the badge indicating it's only available for the...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 May 2024

Started 08 May 2024 by natinshiningarmor